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Sunday, December 31, 2017

2018 Goals

And so, we've finally made it to the end of 2017, and we'll be closing the 2nd chapter of the blog's life thus far. I still can't even believe I've been motivated enough to keep running this blog for the 500+ posts that are currently up, and all of it started with a silly little look at the demo for Kirby: Planet Robobot. But I won't reminisce for too long, I can save that for August 2018 when the blog reaches 2 years.

It's been a very long year, and I didn't complete too many of the goals I set for myself. But despite that, I've still done some of them, so I'll still call it maybe... a half success? Better than getting none of the goals done, yeah? So in a similar vein to how I structured last year's goals, I'll do something similar for this year's goals, at least for the things that would wind up being placed on the blog, you know?

I know that my posts have been lacking over the last few months, and I know I've taken too many off days, as well as just had lackluster stuff, and I guess this has sort of turned into a pseudo journal of sorts, as well, but I guess that's not too big of a deal since nobody's really told me that it's bad, so I'll just continue as I am now. But anyways, onto the schedule before I wind up making you drown in text.

- I guess, in general, just try to draw more, so I can continue to slowly improve. I've had countless ideas of like.. drawing scenes from games or something like that. I used to do a few of those forever ago, where I drew little Paper Mario things. I... only did two or three though. I did one for the Koopa Bros., I did one for Tutankoopa, and I think I did one for the Crystal King, but the sketch books I used were thrown away about 5-6 years ago when I briefly moved out of this house to live with my dad and his then-girlfriend, before coming back to this house a few months after that. As hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20, I really wish I kept those so I could look back on my old art, maybe even get inspired by old ideas I had. Ah well, such is life.

But I still want to try to recreate stuff like I used to try. I used to be a lot more outgoing with my art, now I'm always nitpicking and always so critical on how other people will see it. Fun.

- I really, REALLY want to make an effort to redraw old characters of mine I'd abandoned forever ago (and probably half of those would wind up being old Sonic characters I'd made back on my very, very early days of being on deviantArt), except I'm actually far better at art now than I was way back when. And some of those characters would be the Children's Book characters (will I ever actually redraw them and/or try to make stories with them?) but I hope I actually look at this list more often and remind myself. After all, 12 months is a long time.

- Now, I WOULD mention games I want to platinum on PS3 but considering how abrupt and sudden it was to receive a Switch, I had no idea that it would happen. To be fair, I could always play the Switch whenever I want in handheld mode so I can keep the PS3 hooked up, but we'll see. I'll leave a tentative list of games I want to platinum, but I'm not making any special promises, just in case the Switch sucks me into more games and stuff.

- As for the tentative list, I would like to platinum the following games in 2018, if I can:
- Bioshock 2
- Bioshock Infinite
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
- Potentially return to Shovel Knight after King of Cards comes out, and get every feat for Plague, Specter, and King Knight (I'm working on it on the Switch version, to be fair, so at least I'll have some experience)
- Demon's Souls... eh... I'll try, if I ever get around to it

- I guess, in general, I want to see my blog grow a bit more. I want to hope that maybe I can make it past 20 followers on the blog itself, and I guess on Twitter I want to make it past 30, if possible. I just honestly want this blog to keep growing because, despite how lackluster some of my posts are, I'm always happy to be putting out silly posts every single day. And I'm glad that you all still take time out of your days just to look at what weird/silly/dumb things I have to say the next day.

And that's it for the goals. I purposely didn't include writing this time as I haven't felt like writing too much, honestly. But I hope I can accomplish some of the goals. At the very least I want to accomplish the art goals in 2018, then I can say I did well for the year. But thank you all so much for your continued support all throughout 2017, and thank you for closing the year with me. I hope to see you again in 2018 and I hope that we reach even greater heights together in the new year. Thank you, and have a happy new year, whenever it might happen where you live!

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Have a nice day!~

Saturday, December 30, 2017

A Small Look at Game Hopes in 2018

So, I know I've sort of touched on this a little in the past with my posts on the hopes for Pokémon Switch and a new Animal Crossing game on Switch. So I guess today I'll simply do a small post on what I hope to see in 2018, even though I'm sure we'll get plenty of Directs and stuff as the year starts and as it progresses.

So, as I've stated before, I'm probably the most excited to hear any news on Pokémon Switch. I don't even care if I have to wait until 2019 for it to come out, I'm just super excited for Pokémon's very first main series console title (Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD don't really count as main series titles, sadly), and I'm excited for, well, everything. Excited for the details, excited for the Pokémon, excited for the region, just.. I'm ready for Generation 8 and I'm going to love it no matter what (and I'll be posting about CoroCoro stuff once that happens, as I know you all probably expect by now).

I really hope we see a new Animal Crossing game, even if it's just an announcement. I understand that New Leaf is still extremely popular, and I know that Pocket Camp has gained a massive amount of popularity since its release, but if they're going to follow the "tradition," if you can call it that, then a console release is next. Plus, the Switch just seems perfect for a new Animal Crossing game, you know?

I'm extremely hyped and excited to hear about Metroid Prime 4. I remember replaying all of the Prime games last year, and it only took me a week to 100% all 3 of them, it was so much fun to go through them again. I forgot how fun they were, and now with a 4th one on the way, I'd love to see how the story continues and see how much fun it could be. I hope there's even bigger areas and more places to explore when we acquire new powerups and abilities. I really can't stop thinking about it now.

In general, I'm excited for getting new games on the Switch at the beginning of each month as my dad and I build the Switch collection a little but. In a few days I'll have Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and I think for February I might grab Yooka-Laylee (or if I can't find it, for some reason, maybe Fire Emblem Warriors or something else), and as the months go on we'll see what else I want to get. And not only that, maybe the Switch Virtual Console will finally be a thing. I'd love to see what platforms they'd have available. If it's anything like the Wii U or New 3DS, and they have Super Nintendo games, or even Game Boy Advance games (such as Fire Emblem), I would love to grab them!

But we'll see what happens as the year goes on, you know? I'll see you tomorrow for the final post of 2017 and some goals I hope I'll achieve in 2018. See you then, and keep warm if your temperatures are as low as mine are lately (Like.. around 20F, mainly lower than that, which is way colder than it's supposed to be for December. Brr!).

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Have a nice day!~

Friday, December 29, 2017

A Brief Look Back at 2017

Look, let's not beat around the bush here, 2017 was awful. There was a lot of drama, stress, anxiety, you name it. And was it 100% bad? No, of course not, but even with happy moments, there was still just so much bad. I won't go into all the details because I choose not to talk about my personal life that much on this blog, or I try not to. I'll just go over some things so this might not be too long of a post.

I'm glad that I've been drawing for at least half of the year, and I succeeded in my goal to draw more than I did last year, as last year I almost exclusively wrote stuff. And from the period of January to May, I can see how my drawings have improved, from simple same-posing with arms behind the back, to more expressive and detailed posing and anatomy. It's not perfect, but it's definitely slowly improving, and I'm happy with how far I've come in such a short time.

As far as friends, I.. Ugh, it's just a back and forth struggle. I gain some, I lose some, I gain some more, I lose some more, I lose some older friends, but gain other ones, like- it's getting really old, annoying, painful, etc., and it sucks. I get it, that's life, and I have to roll with the punches, but that doesn't make it hurt any less.

I've played a lot of games this year, and I've been so happy to receive a Switch and happily enjoy that. Despite how stressful the year has been, I'm very happy that, by the end of it, there's been a small turnaround to make it a little bit less stressful, even if it's only a little bit, and I've been having a lot of fun.

I'm glad that the blog has slowly been progressing forward, little by little, and I can only hope that in 2018 it manages to get even bigger, I really hope so. So thank you all for your support and thank you all for sticking with me for so long during this really long and stressful year, and I hope that 2018 is way, WAY better for everyone.

Have a nice day!~

Thursday, December 28, 2017

South Park: The Stick of Truth Trophy Guide

Welcome to the trophy guide for South Park: The Stick of Truth! This is a long game, in my opinion, and some of these trophies will require some thinking ahead as well as some grinding for a lot of things, but if you're already accustomed to doing those then we have no problem. Also be wary of missables, especially when hunting down the Chinpokomon. Anyways, let's get started!


South Park: The Stick of Truth Platinum Trophy Collected all South Park: The Stick of Truth trophies.
As per usual, collect every other trophy to nab this one. Nice job, Douchebag.

New Kid On The Block You have joined the KKK.
Story-related, can't be missed.

First Day in South Park You completed your first day in South Park.
Story-related, can't be missed.

KKK Hero You defeated the High Jew Elf Kyle in battle.
During the story, you'll eventually get kidnapped by Kyle's elves, and after a couple missions, you're no longer stuck helping the elves. At that point, you can pick who to side with upon learning that Cartman's team and Kyle's team will be clashing at the school. Whomever you pick, you'll eventually face the leader at the end of the school, so you face Kyle if you side with Cartman, and vice versa. Either you need to do 2 playthroughs, or reload a save after you've defeated one of them.

Elven Hero You defeated the Grand Wizard Cartman in battle.
See KKK Hero.

Nonconformist You befriended the Goths, like everyone else playing this game.
Story-related, can't be missed, as the trophy clearly states.

Gingivitis Gingers have bitten you 3 times without you blocking.
During your trip through the school, you'll face Gingers as enemies. You'll get grossed out when you don't block the attack. However, you have to simply let them bite you without blocking, just 3 times. It also doesn't have to be in the same battle, but you can always do that if you're worried.

Day Walker You defeated the Boss Hall Monitor while wearing freckles.
Loot every Ginger you defeat, as one of them will drop the Freckles eventually. Then wear them and defeat the Boss Hall Monitor as normal while wearing them, and this trophy is yours.

Made This for You You flung a turd of your own creation at an enemy.
This can be done early on. After starting the game and, well, gaining access to your own bathroom, head inside and interact with the toilet, completing the little quick time event in order to take a shit, then interact with it again to collect the poop. After, in any battle, choose to throw it at an enemy and boom, trophy for you. Now go wash your hands, that's nasty!

Inside Joke While inside Mr. Slave, you summoned Mr. Slave.
Mr. Slave can be unlocked as a summon by collecting his vibrating package from the post office by walking behind the counter to pick it up. After delivering it to him, you unlock the Rawhide Whip to summon him with, and he becomes your friend. Much later in the game, near the end, you have to enter Mr. Slave. During any battle while inside of him, summon him for this trophy.

Are We Cool? You found Jesus while playing as a Jew.
Not long after you can gain access to the church, you can receive a mission to, well, find Jesus, and he's inside the church, giggling. When you find him, you complete the mission, gain a new friend, and gain the ability to use Jesus as a summon. You have to be playing as a Jew when you find Jesus in order to unlock this, so either pick Jew for the long run, or quickly make a separate save in order to knock this out asap.

Parkeologist You opened all of the garages in South Park.
Pretty self-explanatory. Most can be opened easily, but a few require some keys or other ways to get in. Regardless, open all of them for your trophy.

For the Hoarder You completed the game without selling any items.
Simply put, don't sell any items until after you've completed the game. The game enters free-roam once you defeat Kenny at the end of the game, so after you defeat him (or her?) you can sell all of your junk. Why? Check down below and read Junk Peddler.

Face Hoff You defeated Princess Kenny while looking like David Hasselhoff.
You can obtain the Hoff nose from Tom's Rhinoplasty for $175. Make sure you keep this equipped when you face Kenny for the trophy!

Truth to Power You farted on four major authority figures.
It's highly recommended to use Cup-A-Fart to ensure your farts hit these people, just to be safe. The 4 people you have to fart on are the following:
Mayor - City Hall
Father Maxxi - On a bench near City Hall
Principal Vic - Community Center after you've made enough story progress
Prime Minister of Canada - Found in a cave, you have to fart on him before you talk to him or else you'll never be able to get this trophy
After farting on all of them, this trophy is yours.

Irritable Bowels You shat your pants during a boss battle.
Either let Jimmy use his Brown Note when you're battling him, or continue to consume mana potions until your mana bar overflows and you shit yourself.

Acceptance You accepted your fate and chose the name Douchebag yourself.
After picking your name when meeting Cartman, he will instead just call you Douchebag. You have the option to deny it, but it doesn't matter as he and the rest of the cast will still refer to you as Douchebag. So, instead of saying no when he asks if your name is Douchebag, just say yes and this one is all yours.

Dog Whistle You've farted on a dog while in gnome form.
After gaining the ability to become a gnome, simply look for a dog and fart on it. Easy peasy.

Dragon Wrath You knocked out 3 or more enemies with a single fart outside of battle.
There's a few spots to do this during certain areas, where an explosion can knock out a few enemies instantly if they're caught in it, skipping the battles entirely. If you manage to knock out at least 3 enemies like this with one fart, you're golden.

Two Girls, One Stick You defeated Princess Kenny in your girl makeover disguise.
Before facing Kenny, make sure to wear the girl disguise so you can earn this trophy!

Just Saying Hi You've farted on every buddy in the game.
This is easily done once you've reached the end of the game, probably better to try it in postgame when you have instant access to everyone. Simply get close to a buddy and fart on him. Repeat with every buddy and you're all set. Just remember, don't fart on their balls.

Re-Buttal You interrupted 5 channel attacks by using a fart.
When an enemy is channeling an attack, taking one turn or so to charge it up, you can stop them by throwing a fart at them. Do this 5 times over the course of the game and you'll have this trophy.

Heisenberg You defeated the Meth Tweekers while wearing the Evil Cartman goatee and bald cap.
The goatee is in Cartman's bedroom, inside a dresser. The bald cap is inside Romper Stomper's call in the police station, requiring you to go to the 2nd floor, enter a vent, go to the locker room, get the jail cell key, then unlock his cell and loot the bag within. Equip them both before you go to Kenny's house during the Calling Banners quest to recruit Tweak.

Outpatient You defeated Princess Kenny while living with Dire AIDS.
You can only obtain Dire AIDS from facing Dire enemies while in Canada. Once you have it, don't get it cured and face Kenny while you have it. When you defeat Kenny, you'll get this trophy as long as you don't cure your Dire AIDS.

Perverted You watched your parents have sex for 60 seconds.
During the segment where the Underpants Gnomes shrink you and you're chasing them, you have to go through your house as, uh, your parents wind up having sex, and their moans echos throughout as you travel. Eventually, you wind up coming out on the vanity, in full view of your parents having sex. And then you just have to... sit and watch for the next 60 seconds until this trophy pops. Got it? Good, now let's finish this section up before it gets more awkward.

Shutout You successfully blocked every enemy attack in a single (non-tutorial) battle.
Pretty easy, just make sure you successfully block every attack in any battle outside the tutorial. You'll get this in no time.

Stay Down You farted on 10 enemies in the world that were knocked out.
After defeating enemies, they'll be knocked out on the field and you can loot them for money and items. And you can fart on them. Doing this to 10 different enemies will grant you this trophy.

Avenger You defeated 3 enemies in one battle while your buddy was knocked out.
See No Child Left Behind before attempting this one.

No Child Left Behind You completed the game and never ended a battle with your buddy knocked out.
If your buddy gets knocked out, that's fine, but make sure that they're alive again before you finish the battle or this becomes impossible to obtain. As long as you don't let a battle end while a buddy is knocked out, you'll obtain this after defeating Kenny.

Poco Chinpoko You collected 5 Chinpokomon.
See Chinpokolypse.

Chinpoko loco You collected 15 Chinpokomon.
See Chinpokolypse.

Chinpokolypse You collected all of the Chinpokomon.
For the sake of not missing a single one, I'm going to link a helpful video to help you out (Credit to PS4Trophies)

Daddy Issues You befriended your father.
Speak to your father after getting at least 50 friends or more and he'll also send you a friend request, netting you this trophy.

More Popular Than Jesus You made friends with half of South Park.
See More Popular Than John Lennon.

More Popular Than John Lennon Everyone in South Park is your friend.
I'll do the same thing I did above and just link a helpful video instead (Credit to PS4Trophies):

Junk Peddler You sold 300 junk items.
Save this until after you've received For the Hoarder so that you don't miss the trophy. Plus, by that point you should have a lot of junk items, so you can sell them all in one big swoop and get a lot of money, potentially, as you start getting ready to grind for more money to buy more clothing and weapons.

Stick Savior You defeated Princess Kenny and recovered the Stick of Truth.
Story related, can't be missed, and if done with the other trophies involving defeating Kenny with certain things, they will all stack and unlock at once.

Ass of Fire You defeated 20 enemies using Cartman's Ass.
Cartman has an attack where he attacks enemies using his ass. I think you can see where this is going from here.

Canadian Handshake You've farted on people 100 times.
Just keep farting on people and you'll eventually get this in no time.

Animal Cruelty You've farted on animals 25 times.
Same premise as Canadian Handshake except the target is animals, not people.

Pulling Mud In three separate battles, you've taken a shit in your pants.
Similar in concept to Irritable Bowels but it's not limited to only being in boss battles.

Shopaholic You have collected half of the available costume sets.
See Clothes Whore.

Clothes Whore You've collected all of the available costumes.
Self explanatory, you just have to keep on buying clothes from every available source. I did a lot of money farming from Canada for the final bit of buying things, so if that helps, definitely try going there for your money grinding at the end.

Too Far You've farted on the corpse of an aborted Nazi Zombie fetus.
After the Unplanned Parenthood building gets assaulted by SWAT and Nazi Zombie fetuses, you'll have to fight your way out. After killing one, fart on its corpse outside of battle for this trophy. Sick.

Friends in Strange Places You befriended both crab people and gnomes.
You can't befriend the crab person without the Nagasaki Fart, which you acquire during your trip to Canada. As for the gnomes, you can do a quest after your underpants gnome encounter during the 2nd night and after completing it, you'll befriend the gnomes. Do these and you're all set.

Weapon Proficiency Over the course of the game, you've scored 100 perfect attacks.
Pretty self-explanatory, you'll be doing a ton of attacking throughout your quest, and you'll easily reach more than 100 before you know it.

Skilled Defender Over the course of the game, you've blocked 100 attacks.
Similar to Weapon Proficiency.

You bastards! You've let Kenny die in combat 10 times over the course of the game.
When Kenny dies, he leaves the battle briefly before coming back. Without enough patience, you could knock this out in only a few battles, but best to save this for after you've beaten the game so you don't accidentally lose the chance to get No Child Left Behind.

Mastery You've unlocked all of the upgrades for a New Kid ability.
As you level up, you can unlock abilities that can be enhanced as you gain more levels. Simply max one of them out and you're all set.

Make it Rain! You've spent $500.
Will be easily done while you're grinding money to buy all of the weapons and clothing in the game.

Full Arsenal You own all the weapons and costumes available in the game.
Self-explanatory, just check every vendor you can find and buy everything you can possibly buy. And be careful when you're in areas you'll never return to, like the alien ship. Make sure you search everywhere so you don't miss certain things.

And that's all for this trophy guide. I hope it helps you get one step closer to another platinum, so best of luck out there, Douchebag! I'll see you again soon!

*This game took me a total of 1 year and 8 months to complete, following a hiatus from the game after watching/helping my sister play and finish it before I did. My first trophy was "Acceptance" which was achieved on March 11th, 2014 at 3:40 PM. My final trophy was "Full Arsenal" which was achieved on December 1st, 2015 at 2:03 AM, along with the platinum, "South Park: The Stick of Truth Platinum Trophy." This platinum trophy is the 28th platinum trophy I have received.*

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Have a nice day!~

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

South Park: The Stick of Truth

So, I'm not too sure how well this post or tomorrow's will go since I have seen very, very little of South Park. That being said, however, I can definitely say that I loved playing this game, and I do eventually want to get The Fractured but Whole, because it looks like it'll also be a whole lot of fun and I can't wait to give it a try one day.

As stated before, I lack the familiarity with the series, only knowing a small handful of characters outside of the main kids, being Cartman, Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and usually Butters as well. Despite that, however, I thoroughly enjoyed the game. And because of the RPG style, I felt right at home, and the game was always enjoyable to play, and it definitely got challenging at some points too, especially for some of the non-story missions.

I love having multiple classes to choose from, even though there's only 4. But having different abilities and different classes for different playstyles is always a nice little treat. Personally I enjoyed being a Warrior so I could have a lot of strength, but also have some defense to back myself up in case the damage starts getting piling up against me. When I first played, I think I chose Thief, but when I finally returned to the game in an effort to trophy hunt it, I went to Warrior instead and enjoyed it a lot more.

However you play, or whatever SP knowledge you do/don't have, I still think the game is heavily enjoyable and so long as you're okay with raunchy and vulgar humor and stuff, I think you'd really enjoy it as well. See you again tomorrow for the trophy guide!

Have a nice day!~

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Last Schedule of 2017

So this is kind of funny, I realize that tomorrow is Wednesday, but I also just remembered that tomorrow is the day I reveal what "28" is, since that was the winner of this last poll we just had. Silly Cyndrqwill.

But anyways, New Years is a mere 6 days away from now. The year is rolling to a close, and I say good riddance. And sure, this year has had plenty of good times in it, no question, but there has been a LOT of stress and a lot of problems and other stupid things that prevented this from being an otherwise good and enjoyable year. But I'll save my thoughts on that for another post soon. Schedule time.

Wednesday (27th): Game reveal based on poll winner
Thursday (28th): Trophy guide
Friday (29th): A look back at 2017
Saturday (30th): Thinking about games in 2018
Sunday (31st): 2018 goals
Monday (1st): Probably an off-day, it's kind of TBD right now

I hope you're all looking forward to tomorrow's game. I know I'll be excited to talk about it (despite my lack of knowledge on the subject matter), and hopefully Thursday's guide will be alright too. I'll see you all again tomorrow. Keep warm and cozy as these temperatures start dipping low again (Or if they've been low for you, keep as cozy as you can)!

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Have a nice day!~

Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas 2017

I hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas, or whatever you and your family might celebrate if it's not Christmas. I hope all of you got everything you wanted, or at least got something, you know? And even if you didn't receive anything, then I hope you can still have a wonderful Christmas. I wouldn't consider my blog to be a gift by any means, but I can definitely say that your support and your viewership is one of the best gifts I've gotten all year, and I appreciate very one of you.

If you're having family issues on Christmas, I'm really sorry to hear it. If that's the case, I really hope that things can either be resolved, or you can manage to find a way to unwind and relieve yourself of the stress, because today isn't the day for it (then again, nobody wants to be super stressed out, in general, but you get the idea).

If you're having a great day with family or friends, then I hope you have a wonderful time, but of course, just remember to be responsible if you go out for any late-night partying, as if I need to warn people of that.

But either way, I hope the food is delicious, I hope your presents are awesome, and I hope that the year can end smoothly for all of you, because you all deserve a nice relaxing time before this crazy year finally ends in a week.

As for me, well, Breath of the Wild was my Christmas gift from my dad, just as the Switch and Mario Odyssey were his birthday gifts to me last month. And I'm perfectly content with it. I even got to see my best friend not too long ago, so I'd say that I've had a decent week leading up to Christmas. Are there still things stressing me out? Yes, sadly. But, I just have to keep trying hard not to let it get to me, you know?

But I'm rambling now. I'll see you guys tomorrow, and I hope you all have a wonderful day, and I hope your Christmas is as merry as it can possibly be.

Have a nice day!~

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas Eve Snowquil

Sorry for the super late post, I finally managed to finish this. I just wanted to make a silly picture. This time I just made a little Cyndaquil snowman, nothing too major, but still something cute. I debated on making the nose a big carrot but decided against it. It's been a long day, but I'm glad I could manage to draw something I ended up liking. Anyways, I hope you're all keeping cozy and you're ready for tomorrow. I know I'm ready for some good eating and some relaxation. See you all tomorrow for a silly Christmas post.

Have a nice day!~

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Christmas Dinner Menu?

Yeah, weird name for a post, right? Well, let me just show you what this is before I briefly explain it. It'll make a lot more sense that way... hopefully.

Excuse the poor webcam-quality picture I took before I wrote on it, it was really late at night when I finally finished it. So anyways, my grandma asked me to make a little Christmas dinner menu this year. Even though it's only myself, her, and dad, it still makes her happy so who am I to argue? So, instead of doing it really quickly and half-assing it, I decided to try something different for once. I drew it all instead.

From top row to bottom row, left to right: Ham with pineapples, gravy, biscuits, pineapple stuffing, veggies, macaroni salad, stuffing, olives, and pumpkin pie.

I'm not the best at drawing, despite the numerous images I had to look up. I think I did pretty poorly on both stuffing dishes, but in the end, my grandma and even my dad loved it, so it was worth all the effort I put into it.

There's going to be another drawing tomorrow, and like the first one for Christmas, it's more for the blog than anything. I'll see you tomorrow for this last silly picture before Christmas.

Have a nice day!~

Friday, December 22, 2017

Poll Results

I already explained on Twitter why this will be a short post, but basically I'm keeping an eye on my grandma and making sure she's okay since she was feeling really sick last night due to some new medication. But anyways...

The poll has ended last night, and surprisingly, it was only a battle between 28 and 54. 32 never received a single vote. 28 was the winner with 4 votes, just barely beating out 54 by a single vote. So, whatever platinum of mine is the 28th one, that will be next week's guide, so thank you all very much for voting, and I'll see you again tomorrow with something really silly.

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Have a nice day!~

Thursday, December 21, 2017

A Few Expectations

So I'm just going to take it easy today, but I have a few silly plans as Christmas draws closer. For one, I have to make our Christmas dinner menu, but this time I'm going to draw stuff and make it look all nice, instead of simply typing it up real fast on Word and printing it like I would normally do. I want to have a little bit of fun with it this time.

Second, the current poll, deciding next Thursday's trophy guide, ends tonight, and right now it's looking pretty close, so get your votes in now if you haven't voted yet. As usual, the game won't be revealed until Wednesday, the day right before the trophy guide.

Finally, I have another silly Christmas picture planned for either... the 23rd or 24th, maybe even the 25th, but we'll see. It's coming soon, that's pretty much all I can guarantee.

But yeah, not really a schedule, but a couple things to look forward to as the holidays come and pass on by. As usual, keep warm and cozy, and stay safe, and I'll see you again soon.

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Have a nice day!~

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

What a Fun Day!

So, as I stated on the Twitter, I apologize for the late post, as about 5 hours ago (at 1:15 PM at the time of typing this), my best friend texted me and asked me if I wanted to hang out, which I gladly accepted despite how short-notice it was. And it was a fun time, I always love hanging out with him.

I primarily showed him Breath of the Wild, defeating a Molduga, Stone Talus, Hinox, and a Lynel for him to show off the game, and eventually ended off with me retrieving a horn from Farosh, Dinraal, and Naydra. It was fun showing it off to him since he's a big lover of Skyrim and he's shown a lot of interest in Breath of the Wild.

After that, we took a short break to walk his dog, Abby, who is really timid and shy, but she got a little more warmed up to me after a walk, even eating a couple treats from my hand. She was being a good girl and I had fun explaining Zelda to my best friend while we took Abby for a walk.

Next, I showed off some Sonic Mania, just to show it off and have some fun. I played a few Zones before jumping into Sonic and showing off Titanic Monarch and Egg Reverie. After that, there was still time before he brought me home, so I started up a bit of Binding of Isaac, and I died in each run I did, but that's okay, I'll get better at it eventually. After the 3rd run, I packed up so I could be taken home.

But yeah, I had a wonderful day, and I'm happy to have gone out today, I sure needed it. I'll see you guys tomorrow!

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Have a nice day!~

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

A Little Christmas Picture

So I worked on this all night last night and I worked on it for most of today, and even though I decided not to shade, and even though posing is annoying, I'm really happy with how this turned out.

So I'm sure the biggest question from anyone would be who these other characters are next to Cinders. Well, I can explain, and I can also talk about the year in general. If we're going chronologically, let's start with the character on the right, my (underused) Sonic character, Gamma the Dragon.

Back when I used to draw a lot more, I, like so many other people, had a Sonic character, which always seems to be the starting point for fursonas and other silly things like that. He was a hedgehog, later turned into a hedge-fox (so original, I know), and eventually I finally decided to scrap him so that I could have a character that feels more original. Since I love dragons, I figured I'd do that. Having no knowledge on how I should go about it, however, I asked a friend (at the time, in 2014) to draw me a concept so I could work with it. She came up with a profile image of him, which I tweaked slightly to make it look a little better, and, well, he's had this design ever since. I've tried to redesign him, but the closest I got was making him look too much like me, which brings us the perfect little transition to the other character, the dog.

The dog is, well, he's my fursona. I.. have a really weird time being able to say I have a fursona because I don't consider myself a furry by any means, but yeah.. puppy 'sona. I chose a golden retriever because I was told that I'm most like one, and I also just really love dogs, they're my favorite animal besides cats. It's sort of funny, I've always wanted anthro practice but I've never had much progress on it (snouts would literally be the death of me), but now since I made the puppy back in May, I've had a lot of, well, anthro practice. But I love him, I try to make him sweet and innocent and adorable, basically everything I'm not. But yeah...

I guess the overall point to this picture is that I think I've done a bit of self-discovery as the year has gone by. I've lost friends and made friends, I've opened up a bit more, and I think I've become a little more comfortable with myself as a whole. I have to admit that I'm really nervous about saying that I have a 'sona or a Sonic character, because I know peoples' stigmas on Sonic characters and on furry characters, and it's an annoying stigma but hey, can't change how people think.

So, despite the really weird monologue about characters and personal feelings, I really hope you like this Christmas picture of these 3 silly characters, and I'll see you again soon!

Have a nice day!~

Monday, December 18, 2017

One Week Until Christmas

So, I'm (as always) going to be playing it by ear and I'm going to be posting Christmas-like posts for the next week, I think some of them will just be some Christmas or holiday memories I have from years past, but maybe some will be about games I received around or on Christmas? You can see how prepared I am, as usual. But I did have the idea to maybe draw something holiday related for the blog, since my time with Zelda is coming to a big slow down, since the only real objective left for me is to hunt Koroks and max out my armor, two things that I'm slowly losing patience for, so maybe finally closing the book on Zelda (for now) would be a good idea. I'm surprised though, been playing it for nearly 3 weeks straight, which easily beats Mario Odyssey out of the water (17 days for Zelda vs 3 days for Odyssey, you be the judge).

But I think tomorrow I might put up a schedule detailing what I have planned, or maybe I won't. We'll see, honestly. But until them, keep yourselves warm and cozy, and I'll see you again soon.

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Sunday, December 17, 2017

More Zelda Progress?

I'm sure you're all sick of Zelda posts by now, so I apologize in advance for that, but since it's literally the only game I've been playing since the beginning of the month, it's all I have to talk about, generally.

I have only a few side quests left until I finish them all, then I'll probably go on a romp around Hyrule and defeat all of the Hinox and Talus enemies that I haven't yet defeated in order to receive the monster medals from Kilton, all the while slowly filling up the last bits of the Hyrule Compendium to receive the Classified Envelope. After that? Well.. most likely going on a Korok hunt while upgrading my armor more. I've managed to get a few full sets to the maximum, and if I can just manage to get some Star Fragments, I can max out the Wild armor set.

I can't believe how much fun this Zelda game is, I haven't been so hooked on a game like this since Skyrim or Tales of Zestiria, but I'm loving every second of it. Will I ever eventually get the DLC? I'm not sure yet, honestly, but it's always an option, right? Either way, this game is amazing and I'm going to get more progress done right now, see ya later!

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Saturday, December 16, 2017

2017 Goals: Then and Now

So, I'll be the first to admit that I didn't manage to complete even half of the goals I set for myself at the very end of 2016. I have completed some, but others were not completed due to unforeseen circumstances, changed moods, surprises, etc. I'll be listing everything that I put on the list last year and explaining whether it was completed or not, and if it wasn't completed, I will be explaining why it wasn't done. For anyone who looked forward to seeing more of those completed goals, I apologize, and I hope that in 2018 I can make some goals that I can actually set out to do.

Art (Most of this can be applied to a change of mind or just losing the motivation)
- Actually do some things with the Children's Book characters. To be honest, this is the single art piece that I actually forgot to do. Like it never once crossed my mind again like some other things tend to do. Like, I had meant to do silly pictures for holidays or maybe just silly pictures for any occasion, you know? But I took an art hiatus after June and I didn't draw again until I made those few Pokémon pictures, then did the whole Poketober thing. After that, I sort of stopped drawing again, only taking a day to draw a gift for my grandma's birthday this past Thursday, the 14th. In fact, I only remembered this one after seeing it on the list, because I sat there saying "Wow, I completely forgot that this was even on the list I made. Oops." But hey, maybe in 2018 I'll actually try and I won't forget this time.

- A Fire Emblem Fates picture that I would have titled "You of the Dark," which was meant to be some sort of big picture that involves all of the instances Corrin has to go against his/her Nohrian siblings in the Birthright route of Fates. As you can see, I... obviously never got around to it. This did sort of slip my mind, but I never truly forgot about it, like I did for the previous paragraph. I think it was too much of an ambitious idea, as I'm sure I never would have been able to pull it off. I think I can blame this on the art hiatus that I took after June, but also I just got really sucked into watching YouTube, especially after doing that Fates Randomizer run.

- References for old characters of mine. Now.. this is sort of.. half done. I've retrieved really old art of mine and I have it saved, and I have other characters to do references for, I just haven't gotten to it yet, mainly due to the surprise onslaught that was November and receiving the Switch, then getting Pokémon on my birthday, now I have Zelda, and so on. Is it a good excuse? Not really. I could always take a break from Zelda and draw, but I have to have the motivation to do it. If I just try to draw, but my heart isn't in it, it won't come out well. I have to want to draw, and also enjoy it. In my opinion, drawing when you don't want to will only make the final piece's quality really dull and you won't like it, and you'll nitpick at it, then you'll lament that you only did it to be able to say "I did it and now it's done," you know? I'll try for 2018 though.

- Just more writing in general. Well.. that never happened, I'll tell you that right now. My writing vat is completely empty, but my art vat is full to bursting for this year. I sort of let myself have a break, since I wrote so much last year, and I didn't think I would get so into drawing this year, so maybe it's good that I didn't write and I just let myself draw? I won't call this a complete loss, I guess, since I did improve on my art in exchange for putting writing aside, but at the same time I just honestly couldn't think of what to write. Even when I wanted to, the words never came to me.

- Have anywhere between 10-25 followers by the end of the year. This one was successful a long while ago. Looking right now, the blog itself has 14 followers on it, and the Twitter page has a total of 24 followers. This is a massive success, as far as I'm concerned, and I can only hope the number gets even higher throughout 2018.

- Post better content in hopes to get more author-to-follower communication. I can't honestly tell if my content has gotten better over the year, that's up to you guys to inform me and let me know what has to improve. And while the communication hasn't ever gone anywhere, I can safely say that I have had small amounts of responses in a few things I've posted on Twitter, so... progress?

Gaming (Most of these can be attributed to my unexpected gift of the Switch)
- Platinum Re:Chain of Memories. As you're all well-aware of, I DID complete this way back in March and it was my 50th platinum, voted by all of you over Borderlands. And despite struggling with the endgame grinding monotony that was Level Master Sora/Riku, I still managed to pull through and I'm glad I got such a difficult platinum out of the way.

- Platinum Demon's Souls. I'll be honest, I never even touched the game. It's not that I didn't want to try, or that I couldn't attempt to actually continue the game, I just.. never thought about it much, and then the mid-year drama happened, then the Switch and yeah... Whenever I trophy hunt again, I'll try to return to it, but it might be a while.

- Start and platinum Bioshock 2/Infinite. Similar to the previous line, I just never got around to it honestly. I will eventually, though, I'm just dreading Bioshock 2's multiplayer trophies.

- All 326 paths in Shadow the Hedgehog. Now this is a sad one. I actually was making some really decent progress at night with this, like.. almost every night earlier in the year I was doing maybe, on average, 3-7 paths at night (Would have been way more if I'd play all day, obviously, but I didn't want to get tired of the game). I was doing great, but then a lot of drama and stress happened in April and I had to stop playing it completely as it reminded me of the things that were happening. Will I try again sometime? Absolutely, because I love the game. But when will it be? I'm not sure, but this is the one that I take the most loss out of, because I was so determined to do it and I dropped the ball so hard, and I always felt bad about it.

And that's the end of last year's list. I'll probably make another list by the end of the month, but we'll see if I do, there's still 15 days until the very end of the year. I can't believe how fast December has blown by. But anyways, thanks for reading, thanks for sticking with me for so long, and stay warm/cozy in all this crazy weather, alright?

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Friday, December 15, 2017

A New Poll, Finally

I really have to start updating the polls more. So, it's snowing again today and I have to get going in a few minutes to do some fast shopping before it gets too bad, so I wanted to put up a new poll. You guys know the drill, pick one of the 3 random numbers and whatever the winner is, will be the next trophy guide, coming on the 28th of the month. Voting ends in a week, as always. See you again soon!

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Thursday, December 14, 2017

Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus Trophy Guide

Welcome to the trophy guide for Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus! While this game is pretty short and its trophies are pretty easily manageable, it's still a lot of fun to play and a lot more fun to see what kind of wacky havoc you can cause to your enemies. Let's get started!

The Pride of Fastoon Collect every trophy in Ratchet & Clank: Nexus.
As always, get all of the trophies to nab this new platinum, hero.

Leap for Your Life Grav-Leap to the Thug ship circling the Nebulox Seven.
Story-related, can't be missed.

Sweet Justice Defeat Neftin Prog.
Story-related, can't be missed.

Shaky Truce Form an alliance with Neftin Prog.
Story-related, can't be missed.

Cross the Streams Defeat the Nether Leader and banish his kind.
Story-related, can't be missed.

A Walk in the Park Beat the game on Cadet difficulty.
See The Legend.

The Adventurer Beat the game on Hero difficulty.
See The Legend.

The Legend Beat the game on Legend difficulty.
I would highly recommend just playing the game on Legend from the get-go. The game isn't that hard and all of the difficulty trophies stack, so completing the game on Legend will get you this trophy and the two preceding trophies all in one package. Saves a lot of time, even if the game's short to begin with.

The Show Off Beat the game in Challenge Mode.
Essentially New Game Plus, Challenge Mode grants you the ability to get more powerful weapons for a ton of bolts, but the game also gives a bolt multiplier for killing more and more enemies without suffering damage. Simply complete the game in a Challenge Mode run and you're golden.

Thug Life Win the Destructapalooza Bronze Cup.
See Thug Champion.

Thug Rookie Win the Descructapalooza Silver Cup.
See Thug Champion.

Thug Champion Win the Destructapalooza Gold Cup.
Just do the tournaments as you go, and if you're struggling, come back with more powerful weapons. If you obtain the RYNO, however, you can easily rip your way through anything, including these tournaments. The Platinum Cup is after this and completion of these two cups grant you a RYNO VII Holo-plan, as well as the Treasure Mapper, which is invaluable to finding the Gold Bolts, among other things.

Vault Cracker Unlock the vault on planet Thram.
This is necessary for obtaining the RYNO, and therefore getting a later trophy. Use the Treasure Mapper to find these keys, as well as Gargathon horns for the Smuggler for the last key.

In Case of Zombies... Purchase all weapons.
There are 9 weapons to be purchased in the game. They are located at these planets and can be bought for the following amount of bolts. Highly recommend trying to hunt them down in Challenge Mode if you don't have enough bolts by the end of your first run.

Temporal Repulsor - Planet Yerek for 10,000 bolts
Nightmare Box - Planet Yerek for 15,000 bolts
Winterizer - Planet Kragg for 30,000 bolts
Mr. Zurkon - Planet Kragg for 20,000 bolts
Plasma Striker - Planet Silox for 45,000 bolts
Nether Blades - Planet Silox for 16,000 bolts
Vortex Grenade - Planet Thram for 75,000 bolts
Warmonger Planet Thram for 70,000 bolts
Netherbeast - Planet Iglak for 85,000 bolts

Armoured and Dangerous Purchase all armour.
Only possible during Challenge Mode. There are 3 sets of armor in the game. They are, as follows:

Thug Armor - Any vendor for 10,000 bolts
Terachnoid Armor - Planet Iglak for 70,000 bolts
Nether Armor - Any vendor for 1,500,000 bolts after purchasing the other two armor sets and being in Challenge Mode

Going Commando Upgrade 1 weapon to level 6.
See Up Your Arsenal.

Up Your Arsenal Upgrade all weapons to level 6.
Before Challenge Mode, all weapons can only reach level 3 before being maxed out. In Challenge Mode, you can purchase Omega versions of your weapons, and get them leveled to 6, so they're completely maxed out. Just keep killing as much as you can and get your bolt multiplier up as high as possible. This isn't as difficult as it might sound.

Gold Rush Collect all Gold Bolts.
Easier once you've obtained the Treasure Mapper, so try to obtain that before seriously hunting for the Gold Bolts, as the Mapper will pinpoint the locations of the Gold Bolts so you can find them more easily on your map.

Greed Collect 1,000,000 bolts over the course of the game.
You'll get this in Challenge Mode, trust me. If you're aiming for 100%, this is impossible to miss.

Your Worst Nightmare Scare at least one of every type of enemy using the Nightmare Box.
It's impossible to track what enemies you've used this on, so to be safe, use it whenever you see new enemies, and for good measure, on any bosses, too. And this weapon actually becomes surprisingly useful, as it gains the ability to attack enemies who have been scared. I'd highly recommend using it a lot. The game lets you check the percentage of completed trophies, but that's pretty vague.

Precious Metal Collect 200 raritanium over the course of the game.
Similar to Greed, don't stress over it. Raritanium is easy to collect and you'll be using it often to upgrade your weapons. 200 is nothing, to be honest.

Exterminator Beat Pest Control with just the Omniwrench.
Recommend being on Cadet for this as you have a time limit (This is one of the rounds in the arena). It's not too difficult if you're good at dodging and being at a lower difficulty will help you take less damage. Just keep trying your best and you'll nail this sucker in no time.

Into the Nether Region Complete all Netherverse segments.
Story-related, can't be missed. The trophy name, by the way, is a nod to one of the original name ideas for this game's subtitle, which would have been "Into the Nether Region" but it was changed, possibly for sounding a little risqué, like a lot of their other game titles.

And that's it for the trophy guide! I hope it helps you get even closer to another shiny platinum! Thanks for reading and I'll see you all again soon! Good luck!

*This game took me a total of 1 day and 2 hours to complete, from the first trophy to the platinum. My first trophy was "Leap for Your Life" which was achieved on December 3rd, 2015 at 9:54 PM. My final trophy was "The Show Off" which was achieved on December 5th, 2015 at 12:24 AM along with the platinum, "The Pride of Fastoon." This platinum trophy is the 29th platinum trophy I have received.*

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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus

Feels like it's been forever since I last played a R&C game, since the last one I played was Tools of Destruction (I did start Crack in Time after, but I kind of lost the will to continue playing cause of either stress or being too anxious for something, I forget), and even then I'm sure that I'll take another swing at Into the Nexus, I know that I loved it, even though I played it 2 years ago.

To be honest, I wasn't expecting it to be so short. I was easily able to finish the story the day after I started playing it (I started playing it late at night when I got it but if I would have started a lot earlier, I would have easily beaten it that day, I bet), and was able to 100% it some hours after that. Not what I was expecting, but I didn't complain, I still enjoyed it a lot regardless.

The game was as familiar as any R&C game I played, and as you'd expect, regaining control over Ratchet again made you feel right at home immediately, just like the transition from Sly 3 to Sly 4. Might be new, but you can still easily get a grip on the controls if you've played a R&C game before.

And the best part? Do you even need to ask? All of the crazy and wacky weapons that can be used, of course. Funny enough, despite that I mainly used the Nightmare Box for its respective trophy, it wound up becoming a main weapon I'd rely on due to its usefulness and its ability to harm enemies as you level it up. Who would have thought? And of course, we can't forget our good pal, the RYNO.

As I always say, if you're a fan of Ratchet & Clank games, I definitely recommend grabbing this if you can, it's more than worth it. Sure the game is shorter than other titles, but I still had a lot of fun regardless, and I'm sure you would have a lot of fun as well.

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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Late, but 500 Posts!

And here I thought doing 100 or 300 posts was a big deal to me, now we're halfway to 1000 posts, even though I know my posts are slowly losing their vigor lately, but I'll try harder not to let that happen, even if I have to whip out more really silly and dumb stuff to talk about (Well, dumb in my mind, at least).

But 500 posts and you guys are still sticking with me, and I greatly appreciate it, more than you could ever imagine, and I know I say that all the time/too much, but it's true, you all mean so much to me, even if I don't know those of you who view my posts or even if I don't even speak with anyone on the blog. Just... your continued viewership means a lot to me and for me, it counts as a form of support. As I tend to say, I don't care so much for views, as long as I have fun doing this blog, which I do, but seeing more than 10 views on a post, on average, is astonishing to me. It means that 10 people took the time to look at or read something that I put up, and it's just... really awesome that you guys are around.

December is usually a really stressful month for me, and to be honest is has been stressful for a majority of the month so far, but I'm always glad to see you all still stopping by every so often. I love all of you and you all make my days feel a little bit brighter, so thank you so much for everything you do.

I've picked the trophy guide coming on Thursday, and you'll find out what game it is tomorrow, so I hope you're looking forward to it. I'll see you all again soon.

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Have a nice day!~

Monday, December 11, 2017

Silly Off-Day

Well, I'm sorry for the late post again. I woke up early and had to go to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned, and hey, I had no cavities again, so that's pretty great. Otherwise I'm (still) enjoying Zelda. I'm currently working on the last Divine Beast before ultimately taking on Ganon. Afterwards, I need to take a break to draw something for my grandma's birthday (Which is on Thursday), before I wind up picking Zelda back up to continue upgrading stuff and having more fun with it.

I know I talk a lot about Zelda lately and I know that I haven't really been posting great stuff, and I apologize for it. It's just one of those cases where something is so much fun you only want to do it and nothing else, you know? Either way, I'm really sorry for slacking on content lately, but I hope you'll continue to stick with me regardless.

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Sunday, December 10, 2017

Zelda Snapshots on Twitter

So, I was going to link all of my Zelda snapshots and videos in this post, but then I decided that it would just be a lot easier if I just directed you to the Twitter (as I always do) and let you guys see the pictures and videos on your own time, if you haven't already seen them (and saving them to the computer, then reposting them on here would take a lot longer, to be honest). I post silly pictures and I make very bad captions, especially some really awful puns that I live for so check them out if you'd like, it's up to you. But I'm enjoying it to much, it's such a fun game!

The Twitter, so you can see all the silly things I post there.

Have a nice day!~

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Favorite Level Themes

Everybody has level themes they like or dislike, yeah? Some people absolutely hate water levels (such as Ocarina of Time's Water Temple or even Majora's Mask's Great Bay Temple), but some people really love, for example, desert levels (like Ocarina's Gerudo Valley, for example). Everyone has their likes and dislikes, but sometimes there's themes that either everyone is almost unanimously against or for. It depends on peoples' tastes. In this post, I'm going to go over my 5 favorite level themes. In case you're wondering, forest/grassland (think early Mario games) levels aren't here, because even though I like them a lot, they're like.. maybe 6 or 7, you know? Anyways, let's begin!

5. Space
By space, I generally mean being in outer space or it can even extend to being in another dimension, as long as it's remotely cosmic. You could argue that Mario Galaxy is one huge space level, but we all know that the galaxies, despite being in space, are their own environments, climates, themes, etc. But I generally love space levels. I love the atmosphere (ha, jokes), and I love the calm tone they usually go for. In some cases, it's more hectic or catchy, and I usually love the serene music that they go for (get ready to hear about music tastes a lot, just trust me on this). While I haven't played a ton of games that involve space, I do know that StarFox was a huge help for loving space-themed levels, they were always so exciting and fun (and that lovely N64 sound chip/soundfont/whatever you want to call it was always a pleasure to listen to).

4. Water
I don't really think Ocarina's Water Temple was that bad, nor do I think the Great Bay or Lakebed Temples were that bad either (I can just feel the anger and confusion from here). Usually I really enjoy water levels. Among my video game music choices, they're right in my top 3 virtually every time. I love the locations for water-themed areas (thanks a bunch to Mario Odyssey for Lake and Seaside Kingdoms for the wonderful environments and music) and I love how soothing and calm it usually is. Even tough levels typically have a nice music track to go with it. One of my favorite water level aesthetics is how the music changes between being underwater and on land. Banjo-Kazooie always did a nice job with that, and to date I believe that Clanker's Cavern was my first real experience with a water level I loved a lot (I call it a water level because you're swimming in water at least 80% of the time, and Rusty Bucket Bay has oily water that you're trying to avoid being in as much as possible).

3. Ice/Snow
To be honest, if it wasn't for Ice Cap Zone in Sonic 3, I probably wouldn't have enjoyed ice levels as much as I do now, and I know how much ice levels are, for some people, the bane of their existence. Another game that helped me appreciate icy/snowy levels was Snowboard Kids 2, which I still love playing now and then. Again, the music always sounds amazing and fun, and in other cases it sounds calm, inviting, and just pleasing to the ears. Need some calming snow music? Try looking for Cozy Cabin from Kirby's Epic Yarn, or even Frosty Wheel. I think it's also sort of funny that I'm discussing snow and I can look outside my window right now, and it's snowing out. But anyways, I know that some ice levels are tricky, due to a lack of traction, freezing mechanics (depending on the game, such as Breath of the Wild's body temperature mechanic), or even in-game snow hindering your ability to see ahead of you. Whatever the case may be, I always love seeing a nice ice level every now and then. And who doesn't like seeing cold things when it's the worst of summer, am I right?

2. Fire/Lava
You have no idea how hard it was to put this at 2, instead of 1. Now, in some cases, fire/lava levels are the final levels of the game (Best example? Bowser), and in those cases, the stakes are raised and everything is on the line. I think for me it's also the danger, like.. the thrill of having to avoid falling into lava, lest you die instantly or take a lot of damage. Magmoor Caverns from Metroid Prime really helped me enjoy lava levels, and several Mario games helped with that too. I would also point out Cyndaquil, but it's just a Fire type, but it IS my all-time favorite so... hmm... But anyways, I always get pumped when I encounter a fire/lava level and I'm always excited to see what cool or dangerous things will happen in the game!

1. Desert
Hands-down, I love any chance to go to a sandy/desert area in games. Gerudo Valley, Sandopolis Zone, the large desert in Breath of the Wild, and so many more. I love the mystery of the desert, I love the music (which tends to have accompanying sitars or even violins to go with it), and I just love how much there is to explore, even if the majority of it is just sand. Sure, in most cases, sand hinders your movement, and with quicksand, it's even worse, but there's no denying that I love me a good desert level quite often, and just like with fire/lava levels, I'm always super excited to encounter a new desert level to tackle, explore, and enjoy! There's still plenty of games I have to get to that have these themes. I'll definitely say, though, that the Prince of Persia Trilogy was also a big help in having me love desert-themed levels, too.

And that's it. I wasn't too sure on what to talk about today, but after seeing if I'd talked about my favorite levels/level themes, I decided to do a silly post on the topic. Thanks for reading, as always, and I'll see you again soon!

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Friday, December 8, 2017

We Got Snow Coming Soon

Even though the snow isn't coming until tomorrow, it's still on the way. And even though we're only going to be getting roughly a coating to an inch, I guess it'll still be nice to see some snow, even though I'm sure that we'll get more by the time January rolls around, as it usually tends to happen over here. But hopefully it'll be nice to look at.

After I finish Zelda I'll be doing some drawings, I have to get working on some soon for Christmas and for my grandma's birthday coming up. Maybe I'll even finally get the motivation/inspiration to write a poem or two again (it's only been, you know, half a year at least), but we'll see what happens. Maybe I'll even surprise myself.

Anyways, just a small update for the day, so keep warm and make sure you're toasty and comfortable as the weather gets colder and colder.

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Thursday, December 7, 2017

Overall Zelda Progress So Far

So, I've mainly just been exploring a lot in Breath of the Wild, but I'm having so much fun doing it, and I love open-world games because I love being able to do whatever I want, whenever I want. I obviously have to start going for the last 2 Divine Beasts soon, and I keep delaying myself, but I'll probably tackle one of them today. I've almost fully developed the map by climbing the towers. The only one left is the one that/s in the southwest region, I believe that's Gerudo Town or something like that, it's one of my destinations for the Divine Beast Main Quest, so most likely it is.

I haven't gotten too many Korok Seeds, but I've gotten more than 30 in cumulative total, but I know I've got a LOT to get (although I don't even think the completionist in me can manage to get all 900). I've also finished over 60 shrines, so I'm past the halfway point, but I still have plenty more to do and find and hopefully I manage to find all of them, and get as many Heart Containers and Stamina Vessels as possible so I can be even more prepared for anything. After all, Calamity Ganon will probably be a really tough battle, or at the very least I'll need to go into it with as much preparation as possible. But I'll get to that when I get there. After all, I'm enjoying the experience more than I thought I would, so that's always fun right? Either way, I can't wait to continue the quest and see everything there is to see!

Have a nice day!~

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

My First Ultra Moon Team

I don't know when I planned to do this, especially with how suddenly I got Zelda, and it threw my plans around a bit, but I'll just use today to discuss my first team in Ultra Moon. While it's nothing spectacular or anything, I mainly tried to use Pokémon that I haven't used before, and with an additional 100 Pokémon added to the Alola Dex, I had some additional choices as well. In the end, I picked 5 Pokémon that I enjoyed using and were a great help to me throughout this new journey in Alola. Let's get right into it.

So, despite potentially considering taking Popplio instead if Litten this time, I decided to stick with fire kitty. I was also completely unsure of what my final team was, but I know I wouldn't go wrong with having another Incineroar to cause havoc with. At least this one didn't have terrible Defense like mine in Sun, so that's awesome. A huge thanks goes out to it, for surviving an attack from Ultra Necrozma, living on 1 HP out of affection, in order to perform Malicious Moonsault and defeat Ultra Necrozma. Great job Incineroar, I'm glad you held on!

I debated on taking Furfrou, but I've used it a few times before, so I figured it would be best not to reuse it for like.. the 4th time, for a new playthrough. However, I forgot that Buneary was in the wild in Route 1, so I took it along with me. In early game, it was pretty strong, and even though it sort of fell behind a little bit as the game went on, Lopunny was still a great choice to fall back on in the event that I needed some backup, or if some Normal type attacks were the best choice of action. Plus, it had Cute Charm, so that was always a nice little plus if the infatuation kicked in on my opponents.

I felt that I needed some sort of Water type to be able to handle Fire types and Ground types later on in the game. Despite considering Wishiwashi, I had already used it in another team in Sun, so I fell back on another I really wanted to try, and that was Araquanid, and with its monstrous Special Defense, plus the fun from Aqua Bubble, it could easily withstand Fire type attacks, and even most Special Attacks. Sadly it can't take much physical abuse, especially from a strong enough Rock type move, or, most likely, a hard-hitting Zing Zap, but hey, it still pulled through for me.

This Fairy is a legend in my team now - as a silly joke - because of how easily it managed to take down some of the admins of Team Rainbow Rocket. Palkia, who rules over space? Taken down by Comfey. Kyogre, capable of flooding all of Hoenn? Taken down by Comfey. Yveltal, who caused so much destruction 3,000 years ago? Defeated by Comfey. Comfey may not be the strongest Pokémon, but its Special Attack, plus Dazzling Gleam, really helped out in those battles. Plus, a Twinkle Tackle or two didn't hurt either.

Now, despite how badly I wanted to use my buddy Archeops, again, I've used it before. Noting that I'd never used Aurorus before, I decided to give it a try. The Rock type moves and Ice type moves came in handy against several fast fliers, like Golbat and Crobat, and was a very huge help in defeating Kahili when it came time for the Pokémon League. And thanks to Refrigerate, any Normal type moves become Ice type moves. Ice Hyper Beam anyone? Also it managed to hold out (thanks to a Focus Sash) against Ultra Necrozma and deal a little damage to it, helping Incineroar defeat it.

I always feel like I'm one of the few people who actually liked the Trubbish and Vanillite lines, to name a couple. I knew I wanted some sort of Poison type, just in case I ran into some pesky Fairy types, especially that Totem Ribombee at the end of Mina's trial. I decided to use Garbodor as I've always wanted to use it, but just never decided to do it yet. So, I grabbed one from Malie City as soon as I was allowed to go to that section and from there my team was set. Trubbish came with Stockpile and Swallow, just in case I needed some HP back, or some quickly-boosted Defense and Special Defense. It didn't do too much, but it managed to tank some opponents and hold on in some tougher battles where it was needed.

And that's my first team in Ultra Moon. These guys were fun to use, and whenever I finally finish Zelda, then finish the Alola Dex, you can be sure that I'll be making more new teams to have fun with. Thanks for reading, as always, and I'll see you again soon.

Have a nice day!~