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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Day 31: Favorite Poison Type

Another shiny, and also the last shiny on the list. I was training a team in Pokémon Y one day, and on the way, I stumbled into a Seviper. Immediately, it sparkled, and I was, as always, shocked, but I made sure to grab it, and I then wound up using it on my Chesnaught-led team that I was currently working on at the time, since I enjoy making random teams and stuff for fun. I named it Amethyst, and I'm not sure why I did. I think it was the immediate purple that I saw that was a stark contrast to how Seviper is normally colored. All the same, though, I love this snake. I hope it gets an evolution or a Mega or something in the future.

Have a nice day!~

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