Welcome to the Tales of Zestiria trophy guide! It's been a long time, we've done a lot of Tales games, but now it's finally Zestiria time. I won't go too into detail right now but before anything I will link the 100% walkthrough I followed for my 2nd playthrough, as it will definitely be of use to you if you're wanting to use your 2nd playthrough to get 100% like I did! Good luck!
Master of Zestiria This is proof that you've obtained all trophies. We're thrilled you like the game so much, and we hope to meet you again in future titles!
I really hope you can relax after struggling to nab this platinum, because I know from experience that this had to have taken you forever. "Master of Zestiria?" Absolutely.
Dawn of the Shepherd This is proof that you've formed the pact and earned the power of the Shepherd. Now your journey and trials really begin!
Story-related, can't be missed.
Story-related, can't be missed.
Youth You've been through a lot, but this is proof that you're still on the right track. Or in the right vessel. Or something. Youth can be tumultuous.
Story-related, can't be missed.
Story-related, can't be missed.
Trials Overcome This is proof that you've earned the means to stand up against those whom you must. But beware... Your enemies are more powerful than you can imagine. There's no way to know whether you can triumph without confronting them directly.
Story-related, can't be missed.
Story-related, can't be missed.
It All Ends Here This is proof that you're committed to engaging in the final battle. There's no going back. Onward to the place where it all ends!
Story-related, can't be missed.
Story-related, can't be missed.
Dusk of the Shepherd This is proof that you've witnessed the resolution of this story. Now you can try playing again with various changed to the gameplay, or you might venture into the daunting bonus dungeons.
Story-related, can't be missed.
Story-related, can't be missed.
In Shreds and Tatters Either on (at least) your 2nd playthrough or in Hard (or greater) difficulty, conquer the fierce battle at Falkewin Hillside without using any items! It's a steep challenge, but you've got what it takes!
See Killing with Kindness.
See Killing with Kindness.
Super Collision Course Either on (at least) your 2nd playthrough or in Hard (or greater) difficulty, conquer the fierce battle at Glaivend Basin without using any items.
See Killing with Kindness.
See Killing with Kindness.
Fiery Trial Either on (at least) your 2nd playthrough or in Hard (or greater) difficulty, conquer the fierce battle at Igraine, the Shrine of the Fire Trial, without using any items!
See Killing with Kindness.
See Killing with Kindness.
Writhe in Agony Either on (at least) your 2nd playthrough or in Hard (or greater) difficulty, conquer the fierce battle at Morgause, the Shrine of the Earth Trial, without using any items!
See Killing with Kindness.
See Killing with Kindness.
Rest Azure'd Either on (at least) your 2nd playthrough or in Hard (or greater) difficulty, conquer the fierce battle at Lefay, the Shrine of the Water Trial, without using any items!
See Killing with Kindness.
See Killing with Kindness.
Newcomer Challenge Either on (at least) your 2nd playthrough or in Hard (or greater) difficulty, conquer the fierce battle at Guinevere, the Shrine of the Wind Trial, without using any items!
See Killing with Kindness.
See Killing with Kindness.
Tear-Soaked Battlefield Either on (at least) your 2nd playthrough or in Hard (or greater) difficulty, conquer the second fierce battle at Glaivend Basin without using any items!
See Killing with Kindness.
See Killing with Kindness.
Killing with Kindness Either on (at least) your 2nd playthrough or in Hard (or greater) difficulty, conquer the fierce battle at the Spiritcrest Rayfalke without using any items!
Considering that a 2nd playthrough is necessary for a later trophy, you're better off nabbing all of these trophies on playthrough 2, so you can be on whatever difficulty you want to be on, without having to worry about accidentally missing anything. That's what I did for mine. Note that this specific trophy refers to your battle with Eizen, but you can't truly fight him until near the end of the game, as Edna and Zaveid will leave your party, briefly, and rejoin you just as you're about to face Eizen.
Considering that a 2nd playthrough is necessary for a later trophy, you're better off nabbing all of these trophies on playthrough 2, so you can be on whatever difficulty you want to be on, without having to worry about accidentally missing anything. That's what I did for mine. Note that this specific trophy refers to your battle with Eizen, but you can't truly fight him until near the end of the game, as Edna and Zaveid will leave your party, briefly, and rejoin you just as you're about to face Eizen.
A Non-Specific Tale You defeated some sort of people who came from some sort of place using some sort of means. This is some sort of proof of that. Sort of.
While maneuvering through Hexen Isle, you'll face Sophie (from Tales of Graces) and Jade (from Tales of the Abyss) in one of the 8 areas of the bonus dungeon. In the very last one, you face Jade and Sophie, who are both stronger than they were individually, in a 2-on-4 match. After defeating them, this trophy is yours. Focus on defeating Sophie first, as trying to deal with Jade gets harder as he loses health, as he casts stronger artes. Combine that with Sophie constantly attacking you and it's not a fun time. Just be extra careful when Jade gets lower on health and attempts to use Mystic Cage, as the mystic arte will hit the whole arena, so make sure you have some way of surviving if he manages to execute it!
While maneuvering through Hexen Isle, you'll face Sophie (from Tales of Graces) and Jade (from Tales of the Abyss) in one of the 8 areas of the bonus dungeon. In the very last one, you face Jade and Sophie, who are both stronger than they were individually, in a 2-on-4 match. After defeating them, this trophy is yours. Focus on defeating Sophie first, as trying to deal with Jade gets harder as he loses health, as he casts stronger artes. Combine that with Sophie constantly attacking you and it's not a fun time. Just be extra careful when Jade gets lower on health and attempts to use Mystic Cage, as the mystic arte will hit the whole arena, so make sure you have some way of surviving if he manages to execute it!
A Life of Moderation Either on (at least) your 2nd playthrough or in Moderate (or greater) difficulty, win the final battle without retrying! If you're familiar with the game, why not start your first playthrough in Moderate right away? You'll earn more Grade than in Normal!
See A Life Torn Between Order and Chaos.
See A Life Torn Between Order and Chaos.
A Life of Struggle Either on (at least) your 3rd playthrough or in Hard (or greater) difficulty, win the final battle without retrying! If you can't feel alive without the icy glare of death at your back, we recommend you start the game in Hard right away! Playing in Hard or higher increases your likelihood of obtaining double-skill equipment!
See A Life Torn Between Order and Chaos.
See A Life Torn Between Order and Chaos.
A Life Facing Malice Either on (at least) your 4th playthrough or in Intense (or greater) difficulty, win the final battle without retrying! Play long enough in Hard to unlock this more challenging difficulty setting.
See A Life Torn Between Order and Chaos.
See A Life Torn Between Order and Chaos.
A Life Torn Between Order and Chaos Either on (at least) your 5th playthrough or in Chaos difficulty, win the final battle without retrying! Play long enough in Intense to unlock this ghastly difficulty setting. It's the only difficulty that offers a chance of obtaining triple-skill equipment!
So I don't need to tell you that Heldalf is going to be a serious pain in the ass to take down, let alone defeating him entire on Chaos difficulty, WITHOUT RETRYING! I honestly don't know how I did this, besides just getting lucky. I honestly did a lot of Ancient Nova spam while having Sorey and Lailah armatized, and I still had to utilize that in the final battle. Make sure your equipment is up to snuff and make sure it has plenty of useful skills to help you, as your strategies will always vary. Note that difficulty trophies stack, so getting this one will get you the other 4 trophies, unless you REALLY want to play through the game 5 times, but that's up to you.
So I don't need to tell you that Heldalf is going to be a serious pain in the ass to take down, let alone defeating him entire on Chaos difficulty, WITHOUT RETRYING! I honestly don't know how I did this, besides just getting lucky. I honestly did a lot of Ancient Nova spam while having Sorey and Lailah armatized, and I still had to utilize that in the final battle. Make sure your equipment is up to snuff and make sure it has plenty of useful skills to help you, as your strategies will always vary. Note that difficulty trophies stack, so getting this one will get you the other 4 trophies, unless you REALLY want to play through the game 5 times, but that's up to you.
No Ordinary Customer Shop Level will increase when you buy, sell, or fuse equipment at shops. This is proof that you've fist-bumped the invisible hand of capitalism enough to achieve maximum Shop Level. Secret menus unleashed!
As it says in the flavor text, doing anything at shops will increases its Shop Level. Every shop has individual levels, so this isn't cumulative across everything. Naturally, the more Gald you spend on stuff, the more you get. Since you have a lot of equipment fusing to do and other fun stuff, this should, hopefully, come naturally over the course of your playthroughs. Simply get any Shop to 5 stars to get this trophy.
As it says in the flavor text, doing anything at shops will increases its Shop Level. Every shop has individual levels, so this isn't cumulative across everything. Naturally, the more Gald you spend on stuff, the more you get. Since you have a lot of equipment fusing to do and other fun stuff, this should, hopefully, come naturally over the course of your playthroughs. Simply get any Shop to 5 stars to get this trophy.
36 Challenges This is proof that you've collected all 36 anomalous orbs. You've poked around in every nook and cranny, you've laughed, you've cried, you've questioned your assumptions... But you made it!
The monsters in the field that look bigger than normal monsters and have purples mist around them have these orbs. You can tell that it's one of those monsters as they won't actively chase you. They'll keep to themselves unless you initiate combat by touching them. I'd follow a walkthrough to take care of them, as well as try it on your 2nd playthrough when you're a bit stronger. These orbs raise your max HP, so definitely nab them, it's worth having a few extra thousand HP.
The monsters in the field that look bigger than normal monsters and have purples mist around them have these orbs. You can tell that it's one of those monsters as they won't actively chase you. They'll keep to themselves unless you initiate combat by touching them. I'd follow a walkthrough to take care of them, as well as try it on your 2nd playthrough when you're a bit stronger. These orbs raise your max HP, so definitely nab them, it's worth having a few extra thousand HP.
An 'undred Herbs This is proof that you've picked more than 100 herbs. Don't hesitate to use them when your initial SC gets low and you're stranded far from town.
You'll find herbs almost everywhere, but if you need help finding them, set Mikleo's Support Talent to Treasure Detection, and when close to an herb, he'll mention it and it'll appear on your map. Herbs respawn after some time, so you can easily get them again in the same places after waiting a while. You can keep track of this in the Records.
You'll find herbs almost everywhere, but if you need help finding them, set Mikleo's Support Talent to Treasure Detection, and when close to an herb, he'll mention it and it'll appear on your map. Herbs respawn after some time, so you can easily get them again in the same places after waiting a while. You can keep track of this in the Records.
Checking Inn This is proof that you've stayed at inns for a total of 10 nights. Resting at inns can give you extra skill effects in battle thanks to mysterious ingredients in the meals you're served. You can also engage in chitchat with your companions and restore your initial SC to 100. Such hospitality!
Considering how often you'll sleep in inns naturally, and for other quests and skits, this is basically impossible to miss.
Considering how often you'll sleep in inns naturally, and for other quests and skits, this is basically impossible to miss.
Show of Talent This is proof that you've honed a certain Support Talent enough to be able to teach it to others at the inn. Those who can, do. Those who can even better, teach!
Certain characters can transfer their skills to other characters after they reach level 12 in certain Support Talents. For example, when it reaches level 12, Dezel can teach his Windstepping talent to Mikleo, but other characters can do certain things. When you see a skit at an inn with 2 characters discussing a talent, you get this trophy.
Certain characters can transfer their skills to other characters after they reach level 12 in certain Support Talents. For example, when it reaches level 12, Dezel can teach his Windstepping talent to Mikleo, but other characters can do certain things. When you see a skit at an inn with 2 characters discussing a talent, you get this trophy.
Monolith Monomania This is proof that you've found all the stone monoliths and ruminated on their author. Use the battle actions you've acquired to unleash the ultimate mystic artes!
Sorey's default Support Talent detects monoliths when you're closer to them, and if you equip it on Dezel/Zaveid, then the range is wider, but they're sort of hard to miss because they can easily stand out. Also, this trophy pops after you interect with the last monolith (if you're going in order of when they appear) which is on Hexen Isle, and then see the skit about their author, as stated in the flavor text. After that skit, you get the trophy.
Sorey's default Support Talent detects monoliths when you're closer to them, and if you equip it on Dezel/Zaveid, then the range is wider, but they're sort of hard to miss because they can easily stand out. Also, this trophy pops after you interect with the last monolith (if you're going in order of when they appear) which is on Hexen Isle, and then see the skit about their author, as stated in the flavor text. After that skit, you get the trophy.
Normin Tamer This is proof that you've found at least 40 normin and convinced them to help out. You're great at making new friends! But remember, there's more to come.
There are 50 normin in the game. Edna comes with the "Normin for the Win" Support Talent, and she can teach it to Lailah when it hits level 12, to increase the range. It works in the same way as other detection skills, with the user pointing out a hiding normin in the vicinity. To make a normin tamed, you have to place it on an empty skill slot on any piece of equipment you have. After finding 40, this trophy is yours. To make it easier, try following the walkthrough listed at the top of the page.
There are 50 normin in the game. Edna comes with the "Normin for the Win" Support Talent, and she can teach it to Lailah when it hits level 12, to increase the range. It works in the same way as other detection skills, with the user pointing out a hiding normin in the vicinity. To make a normin tamed, you have to place it on an empty skill slot on any piece of equipment you have. After finding 40, this trophy is yours. To make it easier, try following the walkthrough listed at the top of the page.
Landed Gentry This is proof that at least one Lord of the Land has reached Blessing Level 20. Even when they pass on to the stars, they find it hard to abandon those over whom they watch. It seems some remnant of their blessing remains even after you finish the game.
When you unlock a Lord of the Land, you can offer items for a fixed Grade amount. You can also raise the Grade level with battles and obtaining Grade within the blessing area. Don't sweat it if you don't get this in playthrough 1, as you can carry over all your blessing levels in the Grade shop, for free! Once any of your Lords of the Land reach level 20 (Out of a possible 25), the trophy is yours.
When you unlock a Lord of the Land, you can offer items for a fixed Grade amount. You can also raise the Grade level with battles and obtaining Grade within the blessing area. Don't sweat it if you don't get this in playthrough 1, as you can carry over all your blessing levels in the Grade shop, for free! Once any of your Lords of the Land reach level 20 (Out of a possible 25), the trophy is yours.
Boss of the G-Union This is proof that you've equipped items that activate a Group Union bonus skill. Each basic skill group has a skill corresponding to each of the five elements. It doesn't matter where on your equipment you have the skills equipped; just equip all five skills in a group to form a Group Union!
On the equipment/skill screen, you'll see 50 slots, for 5 rows and 10 columns. For a G-Union, your equipment skills have to make it so that you have at least one column lit up, it can't just be random skills that happen to give you 1 in each element. After you manage to make one G-Union, this trophy is all yours.
On the equipment/skill screen, you'll see 50 slots, for 5 rows and 10 columns. For a G-Union, your equipment skills have to make it so that you have at least one column lit up, it can't just be random skills that happen to give you 1 in each element. After you manage to make one G-Union, this trophy is all yours.
Elle Mental Marta This is proof that you've equipped items that activate an Elemental Union bonus skill. Basic skills all correspond to one of the five elements. Equip skills of the same element that line up directly adjacent to each other, and you'll form an Elemental Union based on how many skills are in the line. Check it out on the skill sheet!
So, like the G-Union, an E-Union requires you to line skills together. However, this can be in any element, as long as you have 2 skills lined up adjacent to each other. I managed to nab this within the very first dungeon while I only had Sorey and Mikleo (I'm talking about the tutorial dungeon, before you even get Alisha and enter Elysia for the first time).
So, like the G-Union, an E-Union requires you to line skills together. However, this can be in any element, as long as you have 2 skills lined up adjacent to each other. I managed to nab this within the very first dungeon while I only had Sorey and Mikleo (I'm talking about the tutorial dungeon, before you even get Alisha and enter Elysia for the first time).
Stacking the Deck This is proof that you've equipped items that activate a Stack bonus skill. You can get Stack bonuses by equipping more than one copy of same skill at once. The more copies of that skill you equip, the cooler your Stack bonus will be!
A stack is when you have the same skill in more than one slot, across any of your equipment (So let's say your armor has an Atakk, and maybe your weapon also has Atakk) and they stack to make the skill a bit better. Once this happens once, for a simple Stack 2 bonus, this trophy is yours.
A stack is when you have the same skill in more than one slot, across any of your equipment (So let's say your armor has an Atakk, and maybe your weapon also has Atakk) and they stack to make the skill a bit better. Once this happens once, for a simple Stack 2 bonus, this trophy is yours.
Having a Blast This is proof that you've reached the maximum Blast Gauge of 9. You can increase your maximum BG using the Stack 3 bonus skill "Blasst". Coordinate your equipment just right, and you can blast off to new heights.
As the flavor text says, the Stack 3 skill Blasst will raise the character's BG by 1. But here's a cool thing. As long as Sorey/Rose and any of the seraphim have a BG total that can add up to 9, you can simply armatize them to technically gain 9 BG and get this trophy, so if all else fails, try that.
As the flavor text says, the Stack 3 skill Blasst will raise the character's BG by 1. But here's a cool thing. As long as Sorey/Rose and any of the seraphim have a BG total that can add up to 9, you can simply armatize them to technically gain 9 BG and get this trophy, so if all else fails, try that.
A Knack for Stacks This is proof that you've created an item of equipment with the same skill in all four slots. That's at least a Stack 4 bonus skill right there! You can do the Bonus Dance. We won't judge you.
The text says it all. You must have any character equip a piece of any kind of equipment, but all 4 slots must have the exact same skill (If you somehow managed to get enough Grade to unlock double and triple skills, in the sense that a x2 will act as 2 skills and so on, you'll need even less). Typically you can up the difficulty and make sure the right skill is set by placing a normin in the Lord of the Land menu, but the RNG in this game is.. kind of annoying, so you might be grinding for a while, because skill drops aren't always super-reliable, you know?
The text says it all. You must have any character equip a piece of any kind of equipment, but all 4 slots must have the exact same skill (If you somehow managed to get enough Grade to unlock double and triple skills, in the sense that a x2 will act as 2 skills and so on, you'll need even less). Typically you can up the difficulty and make sure the right skill is set by placing a normin in the Lord of the Land menu, but the RNG in this game is.. kind of annoying, so you might be grinding for a while, because skill drops aren't always super-reliable, you know?
Divine Intervention This is proof that you've equipped every skill for a certain element to achieve an E-Union 10 bonus skill. That strange buzzing you hear? It's your enemies quivering in fear.
This one will be a bit frustrating. For this trophy, any characters' equipment must have the skills in one single row across all of their equipment. If any of the skills stack, that's fine, but it takes some time to have the proper alignment. If you're a bit desperate, you can always assign specific normin to your equipment, but you have to plan which normin in advance when you first recruit them, and make sure that you have a plan set out. Takes longer, but it basically guarantees you this trophy if you're not wanting to leave it to luck and RNG skill drops.
This one will be a bit frustrating. For this trophy, any characters' equipment must have the skills in one single row across all of their equipment. If any of the skills stack, that's fine, but it takes some time to have the proper alignment. If you're a bit desperate, you can always assign specific normin to your equipment, but you have to plan which normin in advance when you first recruit them, and make sure that you have a plan set out. Takes longer, but it basically guarantees you this trophy if you're not wanting to leave it to luck and RNG skill drops.
Sweet 16 This is proof that you've achieved the Stack 16 bonus skill, the highest echelon of Stack bonuses. Whether this is the end or just the beginning is up to you.
Remember how you obtained A Knack for Stacks? Well, simply do it 3 more times, essentially, across one character's equipment. The same premise applies, simply pick a character and equipment and hope for the best. If you're wanting to farm equipment at a reasonable pace, try going to anywhere that there's a Malevolent Crucible for a bit more item drops. Either way, this is going to take a while, so I wish you the best of luck.
Remember how you obtained A Knack for Stacks? Well, simply do it 3 more times, essentially, across one character's equipment. The same premise applies, simply pick a character and equipment and hope for the best. If you're wanting to farm equipment at a reasonable pace, try going to anywhere that there's a Malevolent Crucible for a bit more item drops. Either way, this is going to take a while, so I wish you the best of luck.
The Blessing Bell This is proof that you've sanctified at least one piece of equipment. A super deal that doubles the effect of the skill in the first slot! Of course, if you're particularly devout, you can also offer this item to the Lord of the Land and secure a more blessed future for our children.
When you manage to fuse equipment until it reaches a modifier of at least +10, you can go to any Lord of the Land who is at least level 5, and you can sanctify it, which will rename it and bring it back to no modifications. Essentially, if you have the supplies and the Gald, you could endlessly sanctify your stuff, but I wouldn't try that, but maybe some others will.
When you manage to fuse equipment until it reaches a modifier of at least +10, you can go to any Lord of the Land who is at least level 5, and you can sanctify it, which will rename it and bring it back to no modifications. Essentially, if you have the supplies and the Gald, you could endlessly sanctify your stuff, but I wouldn't try that, but maybe some others will.
A Double Take This is proof that you've acquired equipment with a doubled skill from an enemy drop. Very difficult unless you're playing in Hard difficulty or higher! There's a rumor that offering sanctified equipment to a Lord of the Land may increase the chances...
Now, there's one thing you're going to want to know, despite the flavor text. The game internally counts how many battles you've done on each difficulty, but since it's internal, you can't see it. You must have MORE BATTLES DONE IN HARD OR HIGHER for the enemies to start dropping x2 or x3 skill drops, and even then it's still a decently-rare chance. Your best bet is to start a new playthrough/New Game Plus, and before you fight your first battles, change the difficulty to Hard, or even Insane. Just, honestly, keep battling in Lakehaven Heights until you obtain the drop, but try to get to the point where you have Mikleo, Lailah, and Alisha in your party, for the sake of having a full party to handle the tougher foes.
Now, there's one thing you're going to want to know, despite the flavor text. The game internally counts how many battles you've done on each difficulty, but since it's internal, you can't see it. You must have MORE BATTLES DONE IN HARD OR HIGHER for the enemies to start dropping x2 or x3 skill drops, and even then it's still a decently-rare chance. Your best bet is to start a new playthrough/New Game Plus, and before you fight your first battles, change the difficulty to Hard, or even Insane. Just, honestly, keep battling in Lakehaven Heights until you obtain the drop, but try to get to the point where you have Mikleo, Lailah, and Alisha in your party, for the sake of having a full party to handle the tougher foes.
Last Stop on the Fusion Train This is proof that you've acquired a piece of equipment with a +99 modifier. Sanctify it, and a whole new life awaits you. Aim for 9900 fusions! No, wait, that's probably not necessary.
So, to make this easier, wait until you obtain the joke weapons from the final dungeon, as they can be fused endlessly and it doesn't matter what name the weapons carry (So, for Sorey's, it doesn't matter if you have 2 Amber Swords, and 3 Calcite Swords, all of them can be fused into his weapon), so as long as you have the Gald, and the patience to do a lot of grinding for a bunch of weapons, you can get this in a leisurely fashion as you do some other stuff. Either way, this is going to, of course, take ages.
So, to make this easier, wait until you obtain the joke weapons from the final dungeon, as they can be fused endlessly and it doesn't matter what name the weapons carry (So, for Sorey's, it doesn't matter if you have 2 Amber Swords, and 3 Calcite Swords, all of them can be fused into his weapon), so as long as you have the Gald, and the patience to do a lot of grinding for a bunch of weapons, you can get this in a leisurely fashion as you do some other stuff. Either way, this is going to, of course, take ages.
Wished Transferred This is proof that you've reacquired equipment you carried over from your last playthrough in Lakehaven Heights. Future You is cheering you on, waiting to meet you at the end of the game once more.
When you start a New Game Plus playthrough, the equipment that your characters has will be remembered. There's a spot in Lakehaven Heights near a rock where you can use Edna's map talent, where it looks like a mirror on a stone. When examining it, it will say "Something doesn't seem right," prompting you to accept or decline the offer to examine it. Choosing to accept sends you immediately into a battle with Shadow versions of the party members you have in your journey, at a level appropriately based on the equipment that they were using when you saved prior to starting New Game Plus, so higher ranked weapons and equipment will raise their levels. When you're at an adequate level to take them on, face and defeat them, and just be careful of their Mystic Artes. Winning will give you all of the characters' equipment, and this trophy is yours. Note, the Shadow enemies will not be registered in your Monster Book, so they don't count for the trophy for that.
When you start a New Game Plus playthrough, the equipment that your characters has will be remembered. There's a spot in Lakehaven Heights near a rock where you can use Edna's map talent, where it looks like a mirror on a stone. When examining it, it will say "Something doesn't seem right," prompting you to accept or decline the offer to examine it. Choosing to accept sends you immediately into a battle with Shadow versions of the party members you have in your journey, at a level appropriately based on the equipment that they were using when you saved prior to starting New Game Plus, so higher ranked weapons and equipment will raise their levels. When you're at an adequate level to take them on, face and defeat them, and just be careful of their Mystic Artes. Winning will give you all of the characters' equipment, and this trophy is yours. Note, the Shadow enemies will not be registered in your Monster Book, so they don't count for the trophy for that.
Talent Management This is proof that you've mastered at least one of the Support Talents. Slow and steady. You can do it. We believe in you.
This should be considered impossible to miss if you're truly aiming to get every trophy, or are attempting to try to get Dietician's Nightmare. When a Support Talent is mastered, it will say "MAX" on the experience bar. This can easily be done with Mikleo, as he is capable of preparing all snacks, so it's a good idea to set him to "Snack Preparation" as soon as you gain control of him and the ability to access the Support Talent menu.
This should be considered impossible to miss if you're truly aiming to get every trophy, or are attempting to try to get Dietician's Nightmare. When a Support Talent is mastered, it will say "MAX" on the experience bar. This can easily be done with Mikleo, as he is capable of preparing all snacks, so it's a good idea to set him to "Snack Preparation" as soon as you gain control of him and the ability to access the Support Talent menu.
Making the Grade This is proof that you've received over 50 Grade from one battle. Everyone's amazed that you didn't buckle under the pressure. You've come so far.
You earn more Grade in battle based on difficulty, item usage, not letting party members get KO'd, finishing fast, etc. If you're having trouble with this, wait until New Game Plus, pack along the "Double Grade" bonus, and fight any big boss without using items and don't let anyone die, you'd be surprised with how much Grade you can nab. This has to be 50.00 Grade at the end of any single battle, this is NOT cumulative. The highest amount of Grade earned in any one battle is shown in the Records.
You earn more Grade in battle based on difficulty, item usage, not letting party members get KO'd, finishing fast, etc. If you're having trouble with this, wait until New Game Plus, pack along the "Double Grade" bonus, and fight any big boss without using items and don't let anyone die, you'd be surprised with how much Grade you can nab. This has to be 50.00 Grade at the end of any single battle, this is NOT cumulative. The highest amount of Grade earned in any one battle is shown in the Records.
Dietician's Nightmare This is proof that you've prepared all available snacks. "The people in my video game eat nothing but cake all day, so I'm sorry, Doctor, you're full of it."
There are 35 snacks in total. To obtain this, every snack must be prepared at least once, it doesn't matter who makes the food. So, if Sorey prepares an Apple Dumpling, then you can check that off your list. Since the food is always randomly selected when cooking, it's going to take a while. If this winds up being your final trophy like it was for me, there's a little spot in Gododdin where you can lightly move the analog stick and you can "endlessly" walk, and it won't consume SC, so it'll always be at max efficiency. I'll link the video that I followed. Note that Sorey and Rose, from what I've read, have a decent chance at making rarer food, and Mikleo can make everything. For better odds, set multiple characters to Snack Preparation so you can bust out more snacks. Also, of note, the higher level your characters get in the skill, the more snacks they can make. The max level is 35, so level them as much as possible, this WILL be a huge grind if it comes down to it being your final trophy.
The Gododdin "Infinite-Walk" Glitch
There are 35 snacks in total. To obtain this, every snack must be prepared at least once, it doesn't matter who makes the food. So, if Sorey prepares an Apple Dumpling, then you can check that off your list. Since the food is always randomly selected when cooking, it's going to take a while. If this winds up being your final trophy like it was for me, there's a little spot in Gododdin where you can lightly move the analog stick and you can "endlessly" walk, and it won't consume SC, so it'll always be at max efficiency. I'll link the video that I followed. Note that Sorey and Rose, from what I've read, have a decent chance at making rarer food, and Mikleo can make everything. For better odds, set multiple characters to Snack Preparation so you can bust out more snacks. Also, of note, the higher level your characters get in the skill, the more snacks they can make. The max level is 35, so level them as much as possible, this WILL be a huge grind if it comes down to it being your final trophy.
The Gododdin "Infinite-Walk" Glitch
I Am the Wind This is (WHOOSH) proof that you've attained (NEEEAAAROOOOMMM) maximum speed with the (BEEEOOOWWWWWWWW) Windstepping talent.
Remember, it says max speed, not level. This is actually very easy. Either fight a lot of enemies in a row, or run around in town with a lot of gossip happening. If you don't obtain this in the dungeon you get Rose and Dezel, then you can VERY easily obtain this in Lastonbell immediately after you finish said dungeon.
Remember, it says max speed, not level. This is actually very easy. Either fight a lot of enemies in a row, or run around in town with a lot of gossip happening. If you don't obtain this in the dungeon you get Rose and Dezel, then you can VERY easily obtain this in Lastonbell immediately after you finish said dungeon.
Micromanager This is proof that you've fought many battles while controlling many characters. You can take it slow by changing characters in the Top Menu, but if you want to kick it into high gear, there are battle actions that let you switch in battle on the fly!
This requires you to battle 100 battles while controlling each character (Alisha doesn't count due to her availability and Dezel and Zaveid share their battle count for obvious reasons). However, there's a neat little way to make it so that you only need to do 200 battles, bare minimum. Have your default party setup, and go to Lakehaven Heights where all the easy enemies are. Set all of your members to Manual (I think Semi-Auto works as well, but I wanted to be safe) and fight 100 battles with those 4 characters. Find a way to keep count of the battles. After those are done, simply swap out your seraphim for the other two and repeat 100 more times, but you can put Sorey/Rose back on Auto so that they can help you defeat the enemies faster. Simply do that and this easy trophy is all yours.
This requires you to battle 100 battles while controlling each character (Alisha doesn't count due to her availability and Dezel and Zaveid share their battle count for obvious reasons). However, there's a neat little way to make it so that you only need to do 200 battles, bare minimum. Have your default party setup, and go to Lakehaven Heights where all the easy enemies are. Set all of your members to Manual (I think Semi-Auto works as well, but I wanted to be safe) and fight 100 battles with those 4 characters. Find a way to keep count of the battles. After those are done, simply swap out your seraphim for the other two and repeat 100 more times, but you can put Sorey/Rose back on Auto so that they can help you defeat the enemies faster. Simply do that and this easy trophy is all yours.
Chatterbox Sometimes, after you've found a discovery point or when you're at a save point, you have the opportunity to push SELECT to initiate a conversation between your companions. This is proof that you've experiences many Things and had a lot of Opinions about them.
In typical Tales fashion, you get the option to view skits after certain story points, typically by touching a save point or after interacting with a discovery point. You have to view a total of 235 skits to unlock this trophy. You can either try your best normally or follow the guide linked above for a 100% walkthrough. You CAN unlock skits at the Katz Korner after finishing the bonus dungeon, but at the cost of 50,000 Gald apiece, it's not worth it, honestly. You need that Gald for all of the equipment fusing you're going to be doing, and you're going to need a LOT of it.
In typical Tales fashion, you get the option to view skits after certain story points, typically by touching a save point or after interacting with a discovery point. You have to view a total of 235 skits to unlock this trophy. You can either try your best normally or follow the guide linked above for a 100% walkthrough. You CAN unlock skits at the Katz Korner after finishing the bonus dungeon, but at the cost of 50,000 Gald apiece, it's not worth it, honestly. You need that Gald for all of the equipment fusing you're going to be doing, and you're going to need a LOT of it.
The Item Collector This is proof that you've collected a great many items, most of which are equipment. The core concept of equipment is the combination of stat boosts and embedded skills. Items you initially dismissed might in fact hold the key to defeating the most formidable foes.
This is a combination of all 35 snacks, plenty of equipment, recovery items, and so on. The grand total you have to reach is 513 items in total. Now, believe it or not, buying equipment that you've already owned sometimes counts as a new piece of equipment. Weird, right? But that means that you should buy more stuff whenever you can, even if it's for Alisha, because you never know when it might count as more. I easily gained like... 30-40 more items in like.. 15 minutes, and it was enough to boost me to the trophy.
This is a combination of all 35 snacks, plenty of equipment, recovery items, and so on. The grand total you have to reach is 513 items in total. Now, believe it or not, buying equipment that you've already owned sometimes counts as a new piece of equipment. Weird, right? But that means that you should buy more stuff whenever you can, even if it's for Alisha, because you never know when it might count as more. I easily gained like... 30-40 more items in like.. 15 minutes, and it was enough to boost me to the trophy.
Cruisin' for a Bruisin' This is proof that you've battled a wide swath of enemies. By the way, the more of the same enemy you defeat, the more likely the enemy becomes to drop equipment with skills attached. Time for some population control!
You have to fight 171 different enemies, which are counted in the Records to help you remember. You know the drill, simply fight every enemy you can in new areas, and all of the bonus monsters (That give you the orbs) are very helpful as well, so just keep fighting. You can do it!
You have to fight 171 different enemies, which are counted in the Records to help you remember. You know the drill, simply fight every enemy you can in new areas, and all of the bonus monsters (That give you the orbs) are very helpful as well, so just keep fighting. You can do it!
Bookwyrm This is proof that you've become quite familiar with the Library. How to obtain this is kind of a secret, but if you take the time to do a bit of reading now and then, you should be pleasantly surprised.
You have to view the Records 50 times in total. Now, you can't just check, leave, and check again. You have to check, maybe sleep in an inn or something, then check, then repeat. After it reaches 50 in the Records, this is yours.
You have to view the Records 50 times in total. Now, you can't just check, leave, and check again. You have to check, maybe sleep in an inn or something, then check, then repeat. After it reaches 50 in the Records, this is yours.
Eight Dates With Hate This is proof that you've returned alive after challenging all eight Malevolent Crucibles. Since each one only allows certain characters to enter, you'll need mastery of techniques and knowledge for each one of them.
The Crucibles are easy enough to find, they're big ruins and such. The first 7 are relatively easy to find, but the 8th one is only accessible in Hexen Isle, the EX Dungeon. Each Crucible has you only able to use a specific character. That's 6 for the main characters, and two in which Sorey/Rose can take a seraphim with them. If you're high-leveled, or are able to defeat plenty of monsters with little trouble, these Crucibles won't be a problem whatsoever.
The Crucibles are easy enough to find, they're big ruins and such. The first 7 are relatively easy to find, but the 8th one is only accessible in Hexen Isle, the EX Dungeon. Each Crucible has you only able to use a specific character. That's 6 for the main characters, and two in which Sorey/Rose can take a seraphim with them. If you're high-leveled, or are able to defeat plenty of monsters with little trouble, these Crucibles won't be a problem whatsoever.
The Sky's the Limit This is proof that you've completed all the extra dungeons at difficulty level Normal or above. But further challenges await you. In places you've been and places you have yet to be.
This requires you to complete all of Hexen Isle on at least Normal or higher. For the sake of it, commit to your difficulty. Enter the first Callix on your desired difficulty and do not change it, ever. At first it'll be pretty easy, but once you start reaching Sophie and Jade, it's going to get tougher. be careful and armatize wisely. Remember to Quick-Save for a save state before a boss so you don't have to do the Callix all over again! You also have to defeat the Zombie Dragon on Normal or higher as well! Best of luck, you can do it!
This requires you to complete all of Hexen Isle on at least Normal or higher. For the sake of it, commit to your difficulty. Enter the first Callix on your desired difficulty and do not change it, ever. At first it'll be pretty easy, but once you start reaching Sophie and Jade, it's going to get tougher. be careful and armatize wisely. Remember to Quick-Save for a save state before a boss so you don't have to do the Callix all over again! You also have to defeat the Zombie Dragon on Normal or higher as well! Best of luck, you can do it!
Bested the Worst This is proof that you've defeated a certain powered-up "someone". Nothing more can be said, nor does it need to be.
After completing Hexen Isle, Heldalf will be powered-up, and you must defeat his "despot" form on HARD DIFFICULTY OR HIGHER, which is harder than normal Heldalf on Chaos mode. Put out your best efforts, you can defeat him, even if it takes Ancient Nova and Dream Slasher spam!
And that's it for this trophy guide. I wish you the best of luck, because this is going to be a very difficult list to tackle, but I believe in you. If I can do it, I know you can, I believe in you! After all, you're the Shepherd. Thanks a bunch for reading, and good luck!
*This game took me a total of 1 week and 4 days to finish, from the first trophy to the platinum. My first trophy was "Stacking the Deck" which was achieved on July 23rd, 2017 at 12:44 AM. My final trophy was "Dietician's Nightmare" which was achieved on August 3rd, 2017 at 4:28 PM, along with the platinum, "Master of Zestiria." This platinum trophy is the 63rd platinum trophy I have received.*
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After completing Hexen Isle, Heldalf will be powered-up, and you must defeat his "despot" form on HARD DIFFICULTY OR HIGHER, which is harder than normal Heldalf on Chaos mode. Put out your best efforts, you can defeat him, even if it takes Ancient Nova and Dream Slasher spam!
And that's it for this trophy guide. I wish you the best of luck, because this is going to be a very difficult list to tackle, but I believe in you. If I can do it, I know you can, I believe in you! After all, you're the Shepherd. Thanks a bunch for reading, and good luck!
*This game took me a total of 1 week and 4 days to finish, from the first trophy to the platinum. My first trophy was "Stacking the Deck" which was achieved on July 23rd, 2017 at 12:44 AM. My final trophy was "Dietician's Nightmare" which was achieved on August 3rd, 2017 at 4:28 PM, along with the platinum, "Master of Zestiria." This platinum trophy is the 63rd platinum trophy I have received.*
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Have a nice day!~

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