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Sunday, August 27, 2017

To Clarify on the Current Poll

So, this poll I have going about picking a number? That's not for the trophy guide going up on September 7th, which is, of course, 2 weeks after the 24th, when the Tales of Xillia 2 guide went up. It's for the 21st, which is 2 weeks after the next planned guide goes up. I didn't really explain this well, but I'll do it right now.

So, for the last several weeks, I've put up a lot of Tales trophy guides, because I was in a big Tales kick with Xillia 2 and Zestiria. I platinum'd Zestiria early in the month, so my Tales kick is over, for now. But as you can guess, the trophy guide going up next, after Xillia 2, is Zestiria, the last Tales game I own and have a platinum on. You're still picking numbers and the next poll will wind up being much of the same, except I'll only choose 3 numbers from here on, instead of 5. I didn't know if I explained it well, but here's what you're picking numbers for. And if it works out well, we can keep having you guys choosing the numbers for each new guide. I'm having you do this so I can complete the trophy guides well in advance, so they're ready to go whenever it's chosen to go out.

Right now, looking at that poll, it looks like 64 is going to be the winner, but I won't say it's the winner until the poll ends, you never know what kind of last-second votes you might get, eh? Either way, thanks for participating in the new, silly poll, and we'll have a winner soon enough. On the day I announce poll winners, I will possibly reveal the game in question - in fact, I probably should do that, unless it's better off as a mystery. I don't know, I'll figure something out. Until then, see ya later!

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Have a nice day!~

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