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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

LEGO The Hobbit Trophy Guide

Welcome to the trophy guide for LEGO The Hobbit! This one is pretty straightforward as most of these trophies are linked to 100% completion, so by doing everything in the game, you'll have all but a couple of trophies under your belt. The other few are very easy, so don't sweat it. So, without further ado, let's begin!

The Road Goes Ever On Collect every trophy.
As always, collect everything down below to obtain this platinum!

A city turned to ash Complete "Greatest Kingdom in Middle-earth."
Story-related, can't be missed.

In a hole in the ground... Complete "An Unexpected Party."
Story-related, can't be missed.

Slunk back from whence he came Complete "Azog the Defiler."
Story-related, can't be missed.

... And be stone to you! Complete "Roast Mutton."
Story-related, can't be missed.

More of a letter-opener, really! Complete "The Troll Hoard."
Story-related, can't be missed.

More than a thunderstorm! Complete "Over Hill and Under Hill."
Story-related, can't be missed.

That'll do it... Complete "Goblin Town."
Story-related, can't be missed.

I believe the worst is behind us Complete "Out of the Frying Pan..."
Story-related, can't be missed.

What do you need? Complete "Queer Lodgings."
Story-related, can't be missed.

Attercop! Attercop! Complete "Flies and Spiders."
Story-related, can't be missed.

Escaped the dungeons of the King Complete "Barrels Out of Bond."
Story-related, can't be missed.

The Mountain-king's return Complete "A Warm Welcome."
Story-related, can't be missed.

He is summoning his servants Complete "Looking for Proof."
Story-related, can't be missed.

It's undoubtedly a trap Complete "The Necromancer."
Story-related, can't be missed.

Time to earn your reward Complete "On the Doorstep."
Story-related, can't be missed.

Think furnace, with wings Complete "Inside Information."
Story-related, can't be missed.

Ever "The People's Champion" Complete all the quests in Middle-earth. (Single Player Only)
As you complete story levels, more and more quests will be open to you, with some being available at day or night, and some being available whenever. Some quests appear after you complete certain quests, as a follow-up. They're always located on your map, and if the quest has you looking for a certain item, the spot on the map will have a checkmark on it, letting you know that you have what the person needs, so go turn in the quest. Take your time, there's no time limit!

The greed of Dwarves Collect all Mithril Bricks. (Single Player Only)
You obtain Mithril Bricks from, essentially, getting 100% in story levels, doing quests in Middle-earth, and doing small challenges in the world. Don't know how many more you need? Well, you have just enough Bricks, in total, to forge every Mithril Treasure Item. Once you have enough to forge the last ones, you're all done here.

Labouring in the villages of Men Collect all Schematics. (Single Player Only)
There is a Schematic in every level, and plenty in the world and as quest rewards. Just keep exploring, you'll find them. If you can't find them in levels, some folks give you hints to their locations, if they're in a level, and a Red Brick can help you locate them more easily.

Doilies and your mother's dishes Collect all Treasure Items in levels. (Single Player Only)
Each level has 3 Treasure Items to find, and typically they're useful for 100% completion and for doing quests for other characters. A Red Brick can be used to have arrows pointing to their locations, once you find and buy the right ones.

Objects of great beauty Forge all the Mithril Treasure Items.(Single Player Only)
See Unequalled skill of the Dwarves.

Unequalled skill of the Dwarves Forge all the Perfect Mithril Treasure Items. (Single Player Only)
So these two trophies go hand in hand, and also deal with other trophies, namely the Mithril Bricks and Schematics. Once you obtain a Schematic, you can forge the item with the right loot and amount of Bricks. Once you forge it, you can try again to do it perfectly. it's not hard to do so make all of them perfect to knock 2 trophies out for the price of one!

The Unassessably Wealthy Collect 10,000,000,000 studs. (Single Player Only)
This seems daunting, yes, as that number you're looking at is a whopping 10 BILLION!! However, Red Bricks can/will save your life. There are 5 Red Bricks that have stud multipliers. 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10x, to be exact. And how much of a multiplier is that? It's a 3840x multiplier! Your stud totals will skyrocket! You'll hit 10 billion in no time. Granted it'll still take some time, but it won't be as grindy.

That's why we need a burglar! Obtain all Master Burglar titles. (Single Player Only)
In every level there's a black bar that fills up as you collect studs. When it maxes out, a horn blows and the words "Master Burglar!" appear on the screen to indicate you filled it up. The stud multipliers will earn these for you if you're having trouble collecting the titles. This will help towards 10 billion studs and the Mithril Brick completion, as well, so it's a real bonus.

Stone Giant Stomp Complete the Bonus Level.
After completing the story, you can access the Bonus Level. As with every LEGO title, you must destroy everything in the environment, with Red Bricks disabled, and reach 1 million studs. This Bonus Level has you playing as a Stone Giant, smashing on the areas of Middle-earth to collect studs. This is an easier BL, though, as you'll easily reach 1 million without destroying everything. Still a lot of fun to stomp on everything though!

To Be Continued... Achieve 100% completion.
This could be the last trophy you earn, honestly. You can keep track of your overall percentage in the pause menu while running around in the world outside of levels. Just do everything and go to every area on your map, doing all the quests and getting 100% on every level. It's not as hard as it seems, and you bang out a lot of trophies to collect this one.

Hardly burglar material Collect 99 of any loot.
Loot is used for quests and for building things, and for forging, as well as a couple other uses. Collecting 99 isn't difficult but if you still don't have this trophy by the time you finish the game, just use the vending machine in Erabor to buy 99 of your highest loot. Otherwise, you certainly won't miss this that easily.

Wealth lies in the Earth Complete the mining game perfectly 50 times.
Every time you dig for ore, if you hit the vein (which is smaller as you try to mine rarer materials, like diamond) you hear a sound to confirm you did it perfectly, the animation changes, and you instantly smash the rock to get all of the ore quickly. Simply do it 50 times and you're good to go.

Bro's before Gold Use 50 Buddy-Up attacks.
You'll be pairing up a lot for different story levels, so Buddy-Up as much as possible and keep attacking enemies until you get this trophy.

Team Building Use every Dwarf from Thorin's Company in a Buddy-Up attack.
This requires you to use everyone in Thorin's Company in a Buddy-Up attack. You have to be controlling each one when you buddy up and the one you control must kill the enemy. So for example, each Dwarf can Buddy-Up with Bilbo as long as they get the kill, but not vice versa as Bilbo would defeat the enemies and not the Dwarves. The characters you need to control are the following:
Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Dwalin, Fili, Gloin, Kili, Oin, Ori, Nori, and Thorin.

Conjurer of Cheap Tricks Use Gandalf's startle ability to dazzle 50 enemies.
As Gandalf, hold the Circle button to charge the ability, and let go to unleash it. Do this 50 times to enemies to get the trophy. Simple.

Lord of the Prance Equip yourself with the Dazzle Wig, Mithril Rhythm Stick, and Mithril Dance Boots.
Of course it'll take time to collect these all, but once you do, just equip them all and you're set. Now you're looking swanky!

Dawn of the Mushroom King Equip Thorin with the Mithril Mushroom Crown.
Similar to the previous trophy, except it's one item you have to obtain, and then just put it on Thorin. Again, super simple.

Master Builder Obtain 150,000 studs from Instruction Builds bonuses. (Single Player Only)
So when you reach a table that has you build a contraption, and the faster you do it the more studs you get, just keep doing them as fast as you can. Once you've eventually hit the target number, you're all set here.

Someone to share in an adventure Play a level in co-op.
Simply have a second controller handy and play the second level. It's super quick and super simple. Once that's done, you're all set.

Quite a merry gathering Collect all characters. (Single Player Only)
You'll get this en route to getting 100% completion, but have those studs saved up!

Our Long Forgotten Gold Collect all Minikits. (Single Player Only)
Similar to the other completion trophies, there is a Red Brick available that helps you find Minikits in the levels. There are 10 in each level and they're gotten in different ways.

Beorn Again Transform into Beorn's bear form.
As Beorn, hold Circle to transform. Easy!

Who is this horrid creature? Create a custom character.
There's a customizer in Beorn's Homestead, so you can randomize a character model right after obtaining the previous trophy - after purchasing Beorn - and you're all set!

And that's all for the trophy guide! I know it's not the best guide, of course, but most of the trophies are linked to each other, so it's honestly really easy to finish this game. I hope you enjoyed the guide and I hope it helps you earn the platinum! Thanks for reading, like always!

*This trophy took me a total of 1 year and 4 months to complete, with a small hiatus in between it all. My first trophy was "A city turned to ash" which was achieved on April 23rd, 2014 at 4:20 PM. My final trophy was "To Be Continued..." which was achieved on September 18th, 2015 at 12:55 PM, along with the platinum, "The Road Goes Ever On." This platinum trophy is the 24th platinum trophy I have received.*

Have a nice day!~

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