Read in your language!

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Michael Jackson's Moonwalker

Another amazing classic, if you ask me. I've honestly never seen the movie that I believe this game is based on, but nonetheless, I love this game. And as far as the Genesis sound chip goes, the 16-bit renditions of classic songs, such as "Smooth Criminal" and "Billie Jean," it sounds lovely on the Genesis, even if people do like to criticize the sound chip every so often.

Your goal is to find the children hidden behind doors, bushes, in cars, etc. within every level. After finding them all, Bubbles, your monkey friend, will point you in the direction of the boss battle, where Mr. Big will taut you and promptly leave before a horde of baddies appears. I love doing the dance routines with the enemy waves, as it's fun to watch them dance with Michael and then promptly fall over after it finishes. Every level has 3 stages, and once you finish Mr. Big's Hideout, you must face him in an epic space showdown.

Otherwise, I love the detail in everything. The sprites are well-animated, especially Michael's sprites, they're very fluid, and all of the environments have some wonderful detail on them. This is an example of pushing your hardware to its limit, if you ask me (even though I am no expert on how the hardware for consoles, or anything for that matter, works and what its limit is). All the same, though, it looks amazing and sounds amazing. It's just a really fun game.

As I said with Altered Beast, you should definitely try this game out if you can. It's another short game that you can bang out in an hour or so if you know exactly how to play, which is very easy to do anyway. And of course, you have to bust some sick dance moves and have fun watching enemies, and even spiders and zombies, dancing with you to some iconic Michael Jackson music!

Have a nice day!~

Monday, February 27, 2017

Altered Beast

Boy, oh boy, now we're really getting deep into my childhood games. This game might have been the first game I ever played, but my first game in my memory was Sonic 3D Blast, but this was still super early, and I still love revisiting it every so often, mainly in the Sonic Genesis Collection on PS3, but I still pop this game in when I play the Genesis, too. I mean, it's short, so it's pretty easy to pop in and finish. Well, it's designed for that, I suppose, being a port of the arcade version.

As a kid, I always loved the quick transformation sequences, where it shows your hero turning into a were-beast, which comprises of a werewolf, were-dragon, were-bear, were-tiger, and golden werewolf. And of course, another big thing was dying, in which your character screams out in agony. In the arcade version, it's not as loud, but on the Genesis, it'll definitely scare you at first when you're not expecting it. Otherwise it's a straightforward, auto-scrolling beat 'em up game, for all intents. Collect the Spirit Balls from the blue wolves to transform, then beat the boss. Repeat until you get Game Over. After transforming, you have awesome powers, like the dragon being able to generate electricity around its entire sprite, or the bear being able to turn enemies into stone and roll into a ball, almost like Sonic in a sense.

There's not much to talk about with this game, it's very simple. But if you want some nostalgia, or you need to kill a half hour or so, definitely try out this classic, it's worth the time!

Have a nice day!~

Sunday, February 26, 2017

A Schedule as We Head Into March

So March starts in a few days, and I'm going to devise a nice schedule for the week. This time I figure I'll talk about some Genesis games for a while, since it was a big part of my childhood until I finally had a SNES. And thanks to the Genesis Collection on PS3,I was exposed to even more classics. So for a week, maybe slightly longer, I'm going to talk about some Genesis games and let out some fun nostalgia. However, most of it will be Genesis games I own, and so they won't be from the Collection, as the ones I own have more memories, you know? Anyways, let's fill in the week!

Monday (27th): Altered Beast
Tuesday (28th): Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
Wednesday (1st): World of Illusion
Thursday (2nd): Aladdin
Friday (3rd): Lion King
Saturday (4th): New poll
Sunday (5th): Forgotten Worlds

That's all for the schedule, that's a nice week-long schedule so I'll see you tomorrow! :D

Have a nice day!~

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Final Border-Poll is Up!

Zer0 won the last poll with Maya and Gaige just barely behind. Finally, we have one more poll, this time on the Pre-Sequel. So as with the other two polls, choose your main character to play as and we'll see who wins in a week!

Have a nice day!~

Friday, February 24, 2017

Silly Pen Doodles

So yesterday I saw my sister and my niece, and as usual, my niece wanted my dad to draw her a few things, namely Mickey Mouse, and then a kitty. Feeling particularly artistic and wanting to playfully one-up my dad, I decided to draw both of those, as well as draw her. I'm going to show you my 3 pen doodles. Bear in mind, these aren't amazing, but despite being quick pen doodles, I think they came out pretty okay, especially the kitty! Anyways, let me show you the silly doodles I did for my niece.

Obvious error on the kitty, and any other errors aside, I'm still really proud of these quick little doodles, and she was really happy with them too. And then my grandma played along and said we'll hang these on the fridge and drew stars on the corner of the pages, and we all had a nice laugh about it. Anyways, thanks for looking at my silly doodles from yesterday and I'll see you again soon! :D

Have a nice day!~

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection Trophy Guide

Welcome to the trophy guide for Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection! The trophies are pretty straightforward so I won't waste time going on about them. We're here to enjoy some old Genesis games, so let's just get right into it!

Platinuminary Earn all other trophies for Sonic's Collection.
This isn't a difficult platinum, honestly. Some of these might take some time, but nothing will really make you rip your hair out in frustration, so this one should be pretty simple!

Get Rich Alex Kidd: Collect 1,000 in currency.
Each individual coin is worth 10, while every bag is worth 100 in currency. This shouldn't be too bad, just smash anything you can and open any chest you find, but be careful of dying, as it's very easy to do in this game.

Don't Die Alien Storm: Reach Mission 3 without losing a life.
A somewhat easier way to do this is to use the robot. Some people say he has more health or is stronger, but just keep practicing at this game and you'll eventually make it. It's not too hard once you get the hang of the game.

Enter the Beast Altered Beast: Collect 100,000 pts or higher by the end of the first level.
The guaranteed way to get this is to make sure you don't let a single blue wolf bypass you before you encounter Neff at the end of the stage. By collecting the 3 Spirit Balls on the first 3 wolves, you'll receive a bonus of 100,000 points after defeating the boss of the level. If you do that, this trophy is yours.

Holy Water Beyond Oasis: Unlock the Water Spirit.
Very early on, you're sent to a location for your quest. The Water Spirit is found very early on. If you rush through as fast as possible, you can get this within 10 minutes of starting the game. In fact, this is technically story-related so if you're playing the game through, this is impossible to miss.

Stealing Points Bonanza Brothers: Reach 40,000 points on the first level.
Easiest method to get this is as follows. Start off by shooting the guy to the right. Keep heading that way and you'll see a shut door with a cop on the other side. Open the door and it will knock into the cop, knocking him out. This gives you 1,000 points. Go back a few steps the way you came and the door should shut. Go open it again for another 1,000 points. Repeat until you have the trophy.

Easy as Pie Columns: Get 20,000 points only on Easy Mode.
Columns isn't that difficult. In fact, it's pretty addicting. Reaching 20,000 points on Easy Mode is, well, easy.

Hardly a Hero Comix Zone: Complete first episode.
Simply complete the first episode. This isn't a very easy game, in my opinion, but it's not impossible. Just be cautious, as you only have one life!

Get Ahead Decap Attack: Collect 5 Bonus Coins.
In each stage there are small statues you can break with your face. Inside can be a potion, a Bonus Coin, or (in the last stage of the world) the item needed to finish the world. After you collect 5 Bonus Coins, this is yours. Good work!

Communication is Key Ecco: Talk to another dolphin.
Using your sonar, you can do this within the first minute of gameplay. BAM, easy trophy!

Taste Like Tuna Ecco: The Tides of Time: Eat 200 fish.
This is time-consuming, but when you dash into smaller fish you eat them. Simply find a school of fish and eat some. They will keep regenerating more fish for you to eat until you finally reach 200.

Suit up E-SWAT: Obtain the Combat Suit (Complete Mission 2).
Luckily the first two stages aren't difficult. Simply play through the game to get this trophy. On Mission 3, you will have your Combat Suit.

Don't Get Lost Fatal Labyrinth: Progress to the fifth level of the labyrinth.
Just be mindful of your health and your food and this should be easy. Try to kill every enemy in the area to give yourself more exp so you can boost your rank faster. Once you hit floor 5, this is yours!

Getting Chicks Flicky: Collect 80,000 points.
An easy way to get this is to grab every chick in the level and bring them all to the elevator. Sometimes the cats make it a bit difficult, but if you can do this (much like in Sonic 3D Blast) you'll get points very quickly, and in a few levels you can have this trophy taken care of.

Garden Gnomes Golden Axe: Collect 20 magic power-ups.
In each level and in each intermission are little gnomes dressed in blue. Hitting them will make them drop a magic bottle so you can use magic. If you're wanting to keep an easy track of your number of jars, play as Tyris, as she requires the most power-ups to use her most powerful magic, but because it's like 7 bottles, you can easily keep track of how close you are. Once you got 20, this is yours.

Tower Up Golden Axe II: Complete Tower Level.
Simply play the game as you would normally and this will pop in no time!

Saved by Magic Golden Axe III: Use magic 10 times
Similar to the trophy for Golden Axe, except you can kind if exploit this. It simply tells you to use magic 10 times. Once you have one bottle and can use magic, use it. It won't harm your enemies by much but it's a sure way to get this trophy.

TGIF Kid Chameleon: Collect Maniaxe.
You'll obtain this costume on the fourth level and it's needed to progress, so it's not really missable in this sense.

Twinkle Twinkle Ristar: Collect 5 Yellow Stars.
Yellow Stars heal you if you've taken damage. Simply open chests, reach into suspicious holes, and look around, and this easy trophy will be yours.

Yatta! Dr. Robotnik's M.B.M.: Complete the game.
You CAN use a cheat code to reach Robotnik without playing the game fully, but you still have to defeat him and it's tough. I don't know how I managed to beat him, but keep trying and you'll defeat him eventually! Probably the hardest trophy within this entire collection, honestly.

True Ninja Skills Shinobi III: Complete first level without using continues.
Pretty easy to do, especially if you do the Shuriken cheat in the options menu. Otherwise, complete the easy first level and you're set!

Complete Chaos Sonic the Hedgehog: Obtain a Chaos Emerald.
Simply hold on to 50 rings when you reach the signpost at the end of the stage and you can jump into the big ring. The first Emerald maze is pretty easy, but just be careful of those exit tiles!

A Different Tail Sonic 3: Collect 100 rings with Tails anywhere on Angel Island Zone.
Pretty easy to do, just be careful not to take damage! If you can grab a shield, even better!

Flicky to the Rescue Sonic 3D Blast: Rescue 20 Flickies.
Another super easy one. You'll obtain this before you even fight Robotnik for the first time, as each big ring requires 5 Flickies, and there are at least 2 in every single stage, for the most part. This isn't possible to miss.

Lots of Zeros Sonic Spinball: Get 10,000,000 points on the first level.
10 million might seem daunting, but since this is a pinball game, and pinball games are all about points, you might get this easily. I think it's all down to luck, really, because sometimes you manage to luck out and get a lot of points, but other times you don't. Personally, I had no problems with this trophy!

Get to the Chopper Super Thunder Blade: Score over 1,500,000 points in the first level.
Another case of "this game gives you a lot of points quickly," so just keep firing and stay alive!

Three Times a Charm Streets of Rage: Complete 1st Level using all 3 characters.
It's as simple as it sounds. Simply complete the first stage with all 3 characters. Might take a little time since Streets of Rage was really slow compared to 2 and 3, but still easy enough.

Good Day Mate Streets of Rage 3: Unlock Roo the Kangaroo as a playable character.
A few stages in and you'll be on the streets. At some point you'll find Roo and another enemy battling you together. Defeat the other man and Roo will run off. Once you do this, this trophy is yours!

Super Charged VectorMan: Collect 500 photons.
This is cumulative. Just collect every photon you see and you should hit 500 in no time.

Can You Dig It? VectorMan 2: Reach Scene 11.
Simply play through the game to reach Scene 11. It won't take too long, honestly.

Blast Processing Play all Genesis Titles.
Simply try all of the titles. You don't have to finish them or make a save file. As long as you've started each Genesis title, you're good to go.

Master the System Unlock Everything.
Ironically this is linked to collecting trophies and following the criteria for Blast Processing, No Life, Critique, and Only in the '80s.

No Life Watch Every Video.
As you complete objectives in the games, which typically follow the trophies, you'll unlock videos, among other unlockables. Just watch them all and this is yours.

Critique View all Artwork.
Similar to No Life, just unlock trophies and view the artwork in the extras menu.

Only in the '80s Play all Arcade Titles.
As you complete certain objectives in games, you unlock Arcade titles, such as Altered Beast Arcade, Shinobi Arcade, and others that are in the extras menu, like Golden Axe Warrior and the original Phantasy Star on the Master System. Simply play them all to get this trophy.

And that's all of the trophies! I loved going through memory lane with this game and I actually still play it quite often, if not for some relaxing music from the 16-Bit days. I enjoy this title a lot and it's personally one of the best purchases I've ever made on a game. Thanks so much for reading and I hope it helps you get closer to that platinum!

*This game took me a total of 5 days and 3 hours to complete, from my first trophy to the platinum. My first trophy was "Super Charged" which was achieved on January 3rd, 2013 at 1:27 PM. My final trophy was "Blast Processing" which was achieved on January 8th at 4:59 PM, as well as the platinum, "Platinuminary." This platinum trophy is the 11th platinum trophy I have received.*

Have a nice day!~

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection

Ah, one of my all-time favorites on my PS3, and not just because it's got Sonic on it. Sega Genesis was a huge part of my gaming time when I grew up, in fact my Genesis still works, and that was when my dad was a kid! He got the Genesis bundle that came with Altered Beast, so that'll tell you how long ago that was.

This game introduced me to a number of amazing games I never played on my Genesis, such as the Golden Axe and Streets of Rage trilogies, or the Phantasy Star games, and so on. They're all so much fun and I love playing them, they make me remember a more.. I don't know, fun, time where the budget and graphics were the most important aspect, besides gameplay. I mean, graphics don't make the game these days, but back then the graphics were the selling point. More bits meant better graphics, for the most part.

But discovering all of these old games was so much fun. Dynamite Headdy is one of my personal favorites, as well as the Phantasy Star and Shining Force games. I love them a lot and I need to replay them sometime, especially Phantasy Star 3, so I can try a new story with a different 2nd and 3rd generation child. I can't wait to also attempt to beat Phantasy Star 2, as well as finally get to finishing Shining Force 2.

All in all, this is a fun nostalgia trip, and if you love old retro games, this is definitely a good pick for you to get, as it's also on Xbox 360 and PC. I hope you look forward to the trophy guide tomorrow!

Have a nice day!~

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Have a Silly Drawing

So I figured out what the trophy guide will be on and you'll learn what it is tomorrow. For today though, I just wanted to show something silly that I drew the other night.

Apologies for the not-so-great camera quality, but this little creature is named Shroomie. She's the mascot of my friend's blog that I advertised a few days ago. My friend and I are drawing each others' mascots, so I drew Shroomie for her and she's going to draw Cinders for me. I've never drawn a Deku Scrub before but I don't think this came out too bad!

While she doesn't update every single day like I do, if you're looking for full reviews of games, and not just thoughts like mine, then check out her blog, "Shroomie Reviews!" You might find something you enjoy one day. And as said before, she's only doing 3DS games for now, but maybe one day she'll branch out. I hope she does!

Have a nice day!~

Monday, February 20, 2017

Realizations are Fun

So, yeah, I'm looking at the date and I just realized that I have a trophy guide to do on Thursday, which is 3 days away. Wow, I really am slacking lately. I've also been distracted by drawing today, so apologies for a late post today. I'll look through my games and figure out the trophy guide, and you'll learn the game on Wednesday. Have a good rest of the day!

Have a nice day!~

Sunday, February 19, 2017

6 Months!

Man.. 6 months to the day. I can't believe it's been 6 months since I've started this blog, and look at how much steam this has. As of the typing of this post, here are some stats I'd like to point out:

- 2,793 pageviews
- Most popular post is still "Fire Emblem Awakening Randomizer" with 220 views and growing
- Most popular month was January 2017 with  620 total pageviews

I'm not one to brag about numbers, because they're numbers, and it's the actual people behind the screens that matter, but this is amazing. 6 months and nearly 3,000 pageviews to show for it. That's just about an average of 500 per month, which is insane! If that was the case, it would mean that in an average 30-day month, the blog would be getting roughly 500 views! Again, insane! And even more insane because you all want to take time out of your - potentially busy - days to take a look at the weird thoughts I have about games I like and enjoy! You vote on my polls, you view my posts, some of you like my posts with the Google Plus thingy, and some of you have even made some art for me for this blog, it's unreal! And it all really touches me, because this means so much to me, it honestly means the world to me that someone could just.. you know, take time to make me something or vote on a silly poll, or what have you, and I really do appreciate it, no matter how often I say it. I really love all of you who support me in this so much, and I hope I continue to have your support as we move towards 1 year of this blog, together as a small community that I hope continues to grow. As always, thank you so much for reading, and thank you for your continued support. I'll see you all again soon! :D

Have a nice day!~

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Time For Another Border-Poll

So, despite that there were only 2 votes on the last poll, where one person voted Lilith and I voted Brick, it's a tie. However, I'll still keep doing the other polls because why not? Plus it kind of has a purpose, but that's for another time. Anyways, this week's poll is the same question, except this time it's for Borderlands 2. I have personally only used Zer0 for Borderlands 2, and I have to use the other 3 to grab the final 3 trophies within the game. However, I can't do that until I've done Chain of Memories. As for Gaige and Kreig, well, I figure I might as well include the DLC characters, you know? Some people prefer them, too. Anyways, the poll lasts a week like always, get voting if you want to! See ya tomorrow for the blog's 6 month anniversary!

Have a nice day!~

Friday, February 17, 2017

Advertisement Approaching!

So, back last month, I mentioned my friend who makes Fakemon and advertised her page. Well, yesterday, she made herself a gaming review blog on here, under the name of Shroomie Reviews. So far she's already done reviews on two titles, Mario Maker 3DS and Super Mario 3D Land. Right now, Shroomie says she's only doing 3DS games since that's primarily all that she has, but maybe one day she'll get to more games!

If you're a fan of my silly posts and my weird ramblings, but would rather see a more.. detailed review of a game, instead of just my thoughts, definitely go check her out if you wish! Here's the link to her blog!

Have a nice day!~

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Sonic Battle

So I'm not one for fighting games, as I say quite often, unless it's something like Smash Bros. Well, this fits in that similar vein, where it's not just a 2D fighting game, but it's a lot of fun. And of course, it's Sonic, so of course I'm going to like it because of my Sonic bias. But still, for what it's worth, this was a really fun game, and I still enjoy heading back to it every so often.

One thing I know I always did in this was try to get all of Emerl's skills, and also attempt to get the rare skills, specifically the color changes, so I could color my Emerl the way I wanted to. Of course, rare skills are, well, rare, so finding them was difficult because you didn't ever know when you were going to obtain them after a battle. But getting specific character skills became easier in Emerl's story once you can simply go and battle any character you want. So if, for example, you were missing out on a lot of Cream skills, well, you could just go and battle her constantly to obtain skills that you required. No guarantee that you'll get the one you wanted, but still always worth a shot.

I don't know how to describe it, this game is just a lot of fun. If they remade it or did some sequel, I think it could work, but the odds of that happening are probably as high as there being a Sonic Chronicles 2 (I can dream, at least...), but even so, there's still enjoyment from this game. One of the bigger challenges, besides getting every skill, is to do Tails' VR sessions in Emerl's story, which has you pitted against 3 characters with every-increasing amount of lives, but you will ALWAYS only have one life. If you die, that's it. The further you get, I believe the higher your chance of obtaining a rare skill is. Better practice up!

As always, thanks for reading, and I will see you again! :D

Have a nice day!~

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Sonic Advance 3

So I think this one is probably... 2nd best, as far as Sonic Advance goes, with the first being my least favorite. This one isn't as wonderful as 2 was, but this was still fun. There aren't any silly unlockables this time around, but instead of hunting Special Rings, you're hunting for Chao. And once you find all of the Chao in a zone, you unlock the Chao Spring in each hub area for you to attempt to complete a Special Stage and collect a Chaos Emerald, and this time they stay the same between characters.

A main function is the partner system, where you pick a character, and then you have a partner. Different partners give you different abilities. For example, having Cream as your partner allows you to turn Cheese into a Chao based on your character, and then you can send Cheese after your foes, just as Cream can. And if Amy is your partner, you have a hammer you can use against enemies. And you can change characters at any time to suit your play style, it's just a lot of fun.

Levels seem bigger and encourage exploration, mostly to find the Chao in each stage. And after you find the Chao, you can find Keys to use on the Chao Spring, with up to 9 being able to be held at once, if memory serves correctly. I remember searching far and wide for Chao, mainly using Sonic and Tails, as Tails could launch you high into the air so you could make it to hard-to-reach platforms.

All in all, this game is fun, but I don't have as many fond memories as I did with Sonic Advance 2, but this still holds up fondly, if you ask me. As always, thanks for reading and I'll see you soon! :D

Have a nice day!~

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day

Well, I'm not one for Valentine's Day, honestly, but I don't mind if people like to celebrate it. Honestly to me it's just another day, and it's just an excuse to go and buy candy that's on sale, generally. It's never been a good day for me, to be honest, but then again I generally dislike February, so yeah. But ah well, if people want to be happy today, let 'em be happy, you know? Either way, I hope all of you have a wonderful day and I hope you're able o spend it with someone you love or care about, and I'll see you again soon! :D

Have a nice day!~

Monday, February 13, 2017

Sonic Advance 2

This game gives me more memories than Sonic Advance, if only because of the incentive to replay through the game several times to unlock more things. For example, look on the cover right here. Notice something different than Advance, besides from Cream being on the box now? Yep, Amy is not there, she has to be unlocked. So does the Tiny Chao Garden from Sonic Advance, as well as the Sound Test. And of course, getting all of the Emeralds allows you to do the Extra Zone as Super Sonic, but more on that shortly.

Generally it just builds from Sonic Advance, and I do have a lot of fond memories playing this game. The most difficult part, for me, was hunting down the Special Rings to access the Special Stages, and those were a little bit hard as well. This game was just, generally harder than Sonic Advance, but that was fine by me (However, I don't know if the rings or the Chao-hunting in Sonic Advance 3 were worse.. hmm...) and it was just a lot of fun playing.

Also, I think one of the funniest parts has to just be using Cream to annihilate bosses by rapidly pressing B to send Cheese, her little Chao, after the bosses and just staying back. Kind of makes it was easier, but it's fun to just wreck Eggman's machines with a cute, little Chao helper. But regardless, it's always fun to play as other characters and see how their skills can help you find new areas you couldn't find before, especially in the daunting quest to collect the Special Rings and collect the Chaos Emeralds (which, by the way, you have to collect with all the characters if you're wanting that 100% completion satisfaction. This means you have to find all of the Rings and get all of the Emeralds... 5 times! Once for each character.. yikes..)

But yeah, this game is fun and even if it's not a masterpiece, I still had a lot of fun sinking hours into playing it and trying to unlock everything (and no, saying that Amy and other things are unlockable isn't a spoiler, it's actually right in the instruction manual) and it was just a fun time. Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon! :D

Have a nice day!~

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sonic Advance

Ah, Sonic again, but it's one of my favorites, of course. I remembered hearing about Sonic Advance and I really wanted it. Why? Well, because it's Sonic on a portable gaming device, of course. I never had Sonic on Game Gear, so this was the first handheld Sonic game I've ever played. And I had a lot of fun, especially after how much I enjoyed Sonic Adventure 2 before this.

It's what you'd expect, you race through levels and defeat Eggman at the end of the zone. Repeat until you win! I enjoyed being able to play as Tails, Knuckles, and Amy as well, and utilizing each of their abilities. If I wasn't playing as Sonic, I think I was playing as Tails, so I could fly high up and reach places I couldn't reach as Sonic, especially when hunting for the hidden Chao Springs to collect the Chaos Emeralds.

Overall the game was a lot of fun, but I think Sonic Advance 2 and 3 were a bit better, but we'll get to those in the coming days. I'm sorry I don't have much to say about this game, but it's really simple, ya know? I'll have a lot more to say about Sonic Advance 2 and more in the coming days. Thanks so much for reading! :D

Have a nice day!~

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Platinum Tales and New Poll

So, very clearly and obviously, Platinum Tales will be a thing, as there was not a single person who said no on that poll, so thank you all for your positive response to the question, and thanks for the input, it really means a lot! I'll work on those whenever I decide to draw the Cyndaquil pictures. but anyways, on to another poll, and this one isn't about a blog thingy.

Since a good friend of mine has got me hooked on Borderlands again, I figure I should ask, over the next couple weeks, who your main player is in each game. So this week talks about Borderlands 1, and the original Vault Hunters that we love: Mordecai, Lilith, Roland, and Brick. When I first played it, I picked Lilith, as that's who I played as on my friend's copy, before he eventually gave his copy to me not long after I got my PS3 ages ago. However, if I had to pick a character as a main, it'd have to be Brick. Just the feeling of punching peoples' faces in and being better with explosive weapons just sounds awesome, plus I just love his personality, especially in Borderlands 2. Poll ends in a week, and as usual, thanks for reading and supporting this blog! :D

Have a nice day!~

Friday, February 10, 2017

Another Nice Schedule

So I really liked having a 9-day-ahead schedule, so I want to make another one real fast, because it makes it so I don't have to play it by ear and come up with something on the fly, in most cases. I don't know, it just makes it easier for me, in the long run. It's just kind of difficult since I can't talk about my PS3 games that have platinum trophies I intend to get, as those are reserved for the day before trophy guides. I'll make do, just like always. Also, I just realized that the 19th of this month is the 6 month anniversary of the blog! Wow, I can't believe I've been keeping this thing going for so long, I'm proud of myself. But I couldn't have done it without all of the support from everyone who views and takes time to read my blog posts, it always means so much to me (Now if only I could just figure out why my Fire Emblem post is so popular..) so thank you so much, as always! Anyways, on to the schedule!

Saturday (11th): Poll results and new poll about something silly
Sunday (12th): Sonic Advance (Yep, more GBA and more Sonic on the way, so be ready for it)
Monday (13th): Sonic Advance 2
Tuesday (14th): Something silly for Valentine's Day
Wednesday (15th): Sonic Advance 3
Thursday (16th): Sonic Battle
Friday (17th): Possibly something related to Kingdom Hearts
Saturday (18th): Another fresh poll since my polls typically only last a week
Sunday (19th): Blog 6 month anniversary and looking back at 6 months gone by

So.. a lot of Sonic is on the way, so if you're not a fan, I'm really sorry, but I figure I might as well get it out of my system, you know? But anyways, I hope that you enjoy the posts coming the next 9 days, and thanks so much for taking more time to read my post. Stay wonderful!

Have a nice day!~

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

LEGO The Hobbit Trophy Guide

Welcome to the trophy guide for LEGO The Hobbit! This one is pretty straightforward as most of these trophies are linked to 100% completion, so by doing everything in the game, you'll have all but a couple of trophies under your belt. The other few are very easy, so don't sweat it. So, without further ado, let's begin!

The Road Goes Ever On Collect every trophy.
As always, collect everything down below to obtain this platinum!

A city turned to ash Complete "Greatest Kingdom in Middle-earth."
Story-related, can't be missed.

In a hole in the ground... Complete "An Unexpected Party."
Story-related, can't be missed.

Slunk back from whence he came Complete "Azog the Defiler."
Story-related, can't be missed.

... And be stone to you! Complete "Roast Mutton."
Story-related, can't be missed.

More of a letter-opener, really! Complete "The Troll Hoard."
Story-related, can't be missed.

More than a thunderstorm! Complete "Over Hill and Under Hill."
Story-related, can't be missed.

That'll do it... Complete "Goblin Town."
Story-related, can't be missed.

I believe the worst is behind us Complete "Out of the Frying Pan..."
Story-related, can't be missed.

What do you need? Complete "Queer Lodgings."
Story-related, can't be missed.

Attercop! Attercop! Complete "Flies and Spiders."
Story-related, can't be missed.

Escaped the dungeons of the King Complete "Barrels Out of Bond."
Story-related, can't be missed.

The Mountain-king's return Complete "A Warm Welcome."
Story-related, can't be missed.

He is summoning his servants Complete "Looking for Proof."
Story-related, can't be missed.

It's undoubtedly a trap Complete "The Necromancer."
Story-related, can't be missed.

Time to earn your reward Complete "On the Doorstep."
Story-related, can't be missed.

Think furnace, with wings Complete "Inside Information."
Story-related, can't be missed.

Ever "The People's Champion" Complete all the quests in Middle-earth. (Single Player Only)
As you complete story levels, more and more quests will be open to you, with some being available at day or night, and some being available whenever. Some quests appear after you complete certain quests, as a follow-up. They're always located on your map, and if the quest has you looking for a certain item, the spot on the map will have a checkmark on it, letting you know that you have what the person needs, so go turn in the quest. Take your time, there's no time limit!

The greed of Dwarves Collect all Mithril Bricks. (Single Player Only)
You obtain Mithril Bricks from, essentially, getting 100% in story levels, doing quests in Middle-earth, and doing small challenges in the world. Don't know how many more you need? Well, you have just enough Bricks, in total, to forge every Mithril Treasure Item. Once you have enough to forge the last ones, you're all done here.

Labouring in the villages of Men Collect all Schematics. (Single Player Only)
There is a Schematic in every level, and plenty in the world and as quest rewards. Just keep exploring, you'll find them. If you can't find them in levels, some folks give you hints to their locations, if they're in a level, and a Red Brick can help you locate them more easily.

Doilies and your mother's dishes Collect all Treasure Items in levels. (Single Player Only)
Each level has 3 Treasure Items to find, and typically they're useful for 100% completion and for doing quests for other characters. A Red Brick can be used to have arrows pointing to their locations, once you find and buy the right ones.

Objects of great beauty Forge all the Mithril Treasure Items.(Single Player Only)
See Unequalled skill of the Dwarves.

Unequalled skill of the Dwarves Forge all the Perfect Mithril Treasure Items. (Single Player Only)
So these two trophies go hand in hand, and also deal with other trophies, namely the Mithril Bricks and Schematics. Once you obtain a Schematic, you can forge the item with the right loot and amount of Bricks. Once you forge it, you can try again to do it perfectly. it's not hard to do so make all of them perfect to knock 2 trophies out for the price of one!

The Unassessably Wealthy Collect 10,000,000,000 studs. (Single Player Only)
This seems daunting, yes, as that number you're looking at is a whopping 10 BILLION!! However, Red Bricks can/will save your life. There are 5 Red Bricks that have stud multipliers. 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10x, to be exact. And how much of a multiplier is that? It's a 3840x multiplier! Your stud totals will skyrocket! You'll hit 10 billion in no time. Granted it'll still take some time, but it won't be as grindy.

That's why we need a burglar! Obtain all Master Burglar titles. (Single Player Only)
In every level there's a black bar that fills up as you collect studs. When it maxes out, a horn blows and the words "Master Burglar!" appear on the screen to indicate you filled it up. The stud multipliers will earn these for you if you're having trouble collecting the titles. This will help towards 10 billion studs and the Mithril Brick completion, as well, so it's a real bonus.

Stone Giant Stomp Complete the Bonus Level.
After completing the story, you can access the Bonus Level. As with every LEGO title, you must destroy everything in the environment, with Red Bricks disabled, and reach 1 million studs. This Bonus Level has you playing as a Stone Giant, smashing on the areas of Middle-earth to collect studs. This is an easier BL, though, as you'll easily reach 1 million without destroying everything. Still a lot of fun to stomp on everything though!

To Be Continued... Achieve 100% completion.
This could be the last trophy you earn, honestly. You can keep track of your overall percentage in the pause menu while running around in the world outside of levels. Just do everything and go to every area on your map, doing all the quests and getting 100% on every level. It's not as hard as it seems, and you bang out a lot of trophies to collect this one.

Hardly burglar material Collect 99 of any loot.
Loot is used for quests and for building things, and for forging, as well as a couple other uses. Collecting 99 isn't difficult but if you still don't have this trophy by the time you finish the game, just use the vending machine in Erabor to buy 99 of your highest loot. Otherwise, you certainly won't miss this that easily.

Wealth lies in the Earth Complete the mining game perfectly 50 times.
Every time you dig for ore, if you hit the vein (which is smaller as you try to mine rarer materials, like diamond) you hear a sound to confirm you did it perfectly, the animation changes, and you instantly smash the rock to get all of the ore quickly. Simply do it 50 times and you're good to go.

Bro's before Gold Use 50 Buddy-Up attacks.
You'll be pairing up a lot for different story levels, so Buddy-Up as much as possible and keep attacking enemies until you get this trophy.

Team Building Use every Dwarf from Thorin's Company in a Buddy-Up attack.
This requires you to use everyone in Thorin's Company in a Buddy-Up attack. You have to be controlling each one when you buddy up and the one you control must kill the enemy. So for example, each Dwarf can Buddy-Up with Bilbo as long as they get the kill, but not vice versa as Bilbo would defeat the enemies and not the Dwarves. The characters you need to control are the following:
Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Dwalin, Fili, Gloin, Kili, Oin, Ori, Nori, and Thorin.

Conjurer of Cheap Tricks Use Gandalf's startle ability to dazzle 50 enemies.
As Gandalf, hold the Circle button to charge the ability, and let go to unleash it. Do this 50 times to enemies to get the trophy. Simple.

Lord of the Prance Equip yourself with the Dazzle Wig, Mithril Rhythm Stick, and Mithril Dance Boots.
Of course it'll take time to collect these all, but once you do, just equip them all and you're set. Now you're looking swanky!

Dawn of the Mushroom King Equip Thorin with the Mithril Mushroom Crown.
Similar to the previous trophy, except it's one item you have to obtain, and then just put it on Thorin. Again, super simple.

Master Builder Obtain 150,000 studs from Instruction Builds bonuses. (Single Player Only)
So when you reach a table that has you build a contraption, and the faster you do it the more studs you get, just keep doing them as fast as you can. Once you've eventually hit the target number, you're all set here.

Someone to share in an adventure Play a level in co-op.
Simply have a second controller handy and play the second level. It's super quick and super simple. Once that's done, you're all set.

Quite a merry gathering Collect all characters. (Single Player Only)
You'll get this en route to getting 100% completion, but have those studs saved up!

Our Long Forgotten Gold Collect all Minikits. (Single Player Only)
Similar to the other completion trophies, there is a Red Brick available that helps you find Minikits in the levels. There are 10 in each level and they're gotten in different ways.

Beorn Again Transform into Beorn's bear form.
As Beorn, hold Circle to transform. Easy!

Who is this horrid creature? Create a custom character.
There's a customizer in Beorn's Homestead, so you can randomize a character model right after obtaining the previous trophy - after purchasing Beorn - and you're all set!

And that's all for the trophy guide! I know it's not the best guide, of course, but most of the trophies are linked to each other, so it's honestly really easy to finish this game. I hope you enjoyed the guide and I hope it helps you earn the platinum! Thanks for reading, like always!

*This trophy took me a total of 1 year and 4 months to complete, with a small hiatus in between it all. My first trophy was "A city turned to ash" which was achieved on April 23rd, 2014 at 4:20 PM. My final trophy was "To Be Continued..." which was achieved on September 18th, 2015 at 12:55 PM, along with the platinum, "The Road Goes Ever On." This platinum trophy is the 24th platinum trophy I have received.*

Have a nice day!~

LEGO The Hobbit

I sure do love LEGO games, which is funny because I didn't really have LEGO when I was younger, we just never really bought any, so I didn't play with them. In fact, my very first exposure to LEGO games was LEGO Star Wars, which I played with my cousin ages and ages ago, but I had a lot of fun. The first LEGO game that I actually was able to sit down and play was LEGO Harry Potter when my sister got it, followed by LEGO Lord of the Rings (Jeez, I've already said LEGO like.. 8 times now.. goodness, I need to shush with that).

The Hobbit was the first one that I bought and was able to play myself (to be fair I half bought it because my sister wanted to play it, too, and it was more of a surprise then anything, but still, I got my fun and enjoyment out of it too) and I just had a lot of fun with it. I enjoyed playing LEGO Lord of the Rings with my sister, so I knew I'd enjoy this a lot too. And of course, what else makes me enjoy it? It's kind of a collect-a-thon, in a sense! Hooray!

But really, the LEGO games are fun for everyone and they're a lot of fun for the kids, too, especially when they add humor to the movies the games are based on. Plus, exploring a pretty expansive Middle Earth is pretty fun too. It's a huge area and a lot of walking, and of course it uses the score from the movies and the voice clips from the movie, so it's just fun all around.

I hope you look forward to tomorrow's guide on this game. Almost half of the trophies are classed as "story related" so they're not too hard to get. Honestly most of the trophies relate to 100% overall completion of the game, and when you unlock more things, it just gets much easier, honestly. See ya then!

Have a nice day!~

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Dexter's Laboratory: Deesaster Strikes!

Oh boy, do I hear the nostalgia screaming at me or what? This is honestly another "guilty pleasure" title for me. I love going back to it every now and then and completing it 100%. Considering I have Dexter's Lab within my top 5 favorite Cartoon Network shows, in my opinion, I have some bias, but come on, this show as amazing! I was really sad when it finally ended. I did, however, eagerly watch "Rude Removal" when it was put on the internet and everything and I still loved it. I miss this show but at least it didn't get a.. poor reboot like some OTHER CN shows. But I digress.

The simple concept of Dee Dee splitting herself into tons of smaller versions of herself is as classic as you can assume, like something right out of an episode. And as Dexter, it's your job to go through your lab to capture the many Dee Dees and put her back together again. I honestly just love how many levels there are. I also enjoy the music. I know that the GBA gets a bad rep for its sound font sometimes, but some games have pretty good music. A lot of the levels in this game had some pretty memorable music, though, and I always enjoy listening to them.

I also enjoy the concept of "returning to places you've been with new tools," which is something I mainly enjoy from the Metroid series. As you play, you collect tools like a hammer and screwdriver to fix some machines in the levels. This doesn't do anything, but if you really want that 100% completion, you have to do everything, and that is perfectly fine by me. It just adds a bit of backtracking, but not in an annoying way, in my opinion at least. Plus, you'll have captured the Dee Dees so you're mainly just blowing through each already-completed stage to fix a few things for that extra percentage.

I love this game, and I can easily kill some time playing through it and having a fun time with it. If you can ever try this game out, definitely give it a shot, especially if you enjoyed the cartoon. It may not be AMAZING, but I have fun when I play it. But it's up to you really. Thanks so much for reading, as always!

Have a nice day!~

Monday, February 6, 2017

Sonic Gems Collection

Another Sonic game I really loved, and one that I enjoyed just a bit more than Sonic Mega Collection, so much of my opinion remains the same since this is a similar game, for all intents. The selling point for this game, of course, is that there are 3 rare Sonic games available, namely Sonic CD, Sonic the Fighters, and Sonic R. Sonic CD, of course, is the most popular of the whole bunch. Also all of those games feature Metal Sonic in some way, I guess that's why Metal Sonic is on the box cover as well. Hmm...

But what's also fun is the Game Gear titles available, as well as Vectorman and Vectorman 2. All of the Game Gear titles are available for my to play in Sonic Adventure DX as well, but it's nice to have an option to play them without having to gain X amount of emblems in order to play them. I remember spending a ton of hours playing Sonic Triple Trouble as well, especially hunting down those bonus stages.

Another cool feature is the Museum, where a lot of old artwork is, and some renders from 3D Sonic titles are too. One of the coolest features is unlocking the final bosses for older games, like Sonic 1 on Game Gear, and some other games too. If you beat it fast enough, since there's a time limit for how long you can play, you can start the game from the beginning, briefly. It's really silly but it's also really fun.

I enjoy this game a lot, and I remember putting like 8 hours into Sonic R the day I got it, because  I honestly really enjoyed the game. But that's all on this game. I hope you enjoyed it, and thanks so much for reading. Also, a special thanks to my good friend Fawn for making this Cyndaquil picture for me, as it will now be the footer of every blog post, so thanks again, I love it!

Have a nice day!~

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Kirby Air Ride

Ah, one of the most simple games in history, only requiring you to, essentially, use your thumbs to play the game. You just need one on the control stick, and the other on the A button. Of course, you'll want to hold it with both hands, like you would normally while playing something, but still. I love this game a lot, much like I love all the other games I play. And plus, it's Kirby. You can't really go wrong there, can you?

I love the courses and the modes. I always spent the most time on City Trial, just for the games at the end and just for fun. And of course, have to unlock those characters and other Kirby colors, because I don't think anybody wants to only have pink, red, blue, and yellow Kirby. You can also get green, brown, white, and purple, which is a fun touch, and you can unlock Meta Knight and King Dedede as well.

This is another game that screams "Completionist Goals," if you ask me. 360 challenges, 120 for each mode, and a ton of things to unlock. Your biggest goal is to make each grid complete and make it all golden. It's tough and takes a long time but it's possible, and it's so much fun!

This is one that I must get back to this year. I think I'll add 100% completion to my to-do list... right after I finally finish Shadow the Hedgehog and finally get that all done. But anyways, thanks so much for reading, like always, and I will see you later! :D

Saturday, February 4, 2017

A Silly New Poll

So, I know Kingdom Hearts won, and I'm going to have to suffer through it for platinum 50. I mean, it was the original plan anyway, because I didn't get into Borderlands again until just recently thanks to a certain someone who knows who they are.

But anyways, yes, Re:Chain of Memories will become my 50th platinum. This means I have to get through a Proud playthrough and a Beginner playthrough (Beginner will be for hitting level 100 with Sora and Riku, and specifically to make the last playthrough easier as I go for Card Master Sora). I mean.. honestly the hardest part of Proud will be Sora's story, since Riku's decks are automatically compiled based on the world, so there's no stress with that. On the other hand, Sora's.. well.. *shudders*

But anyways, enough on that. On to the poll. This week's poll is for a thing I like to call "Platinum Tales," in which I put a small story, of sorts, on how I obtained a platinum for each game, going in order of platinums achieved, so starting with Assassin's Creed II, then Sonic Generations, and so on, accompanied with a Cyndaquil picture to match the game. If you'd like to see that, or not, the poll is open. Please vote so I can hear your opinions! It ends in a week! Thanks so much! :D

Friday, February 3, 2017

Super Monkey Ball 2

Oh this makes me sad to look at, honestly. I have this game, but the disc has one of those bad scratches that renders it unplayable. Like.. I can hardly even get the game loaded, because most of the time it says that the disc cannot be read. And yeah, we've tried everything, including the toothpaste trick, and still nothing. It's dead, for all intents and purposes, just like how my Smash Bros. Melee disc was.

But besides that, I know that my fondest memories of this game were... I think World 5? The bathhouse level. There were a lot of touch levels in it, but I eventually made it through. The other fondest memories were playing multiplayer with my sister when we'd rent this game years and years ago. We used to do Monkey Target quite often, but my favorite was always Monkey Billiards. I loved that one. I'd always do some wicked power shots, just watch the madness happen, watching all of the billiard balls bounce around the table. Sure, sometimes it would end in the cue ball falling into a pocket, but it was always fun to watch. Man I miss this game...

But regardless, this game was always a lot of fun, and I always loved the crazy areas and the crazy levels, especially when it got really difficult and you had to make very precise movements. Sure, they were hard and all, but that's the fun of a challenge. This game just brings back a lot of fond memories, honestly, and if I could still play it, I would love to play it again, if the disc wasn't damaged to the point of no return.

Thanks a bunch for reading, as always! Tomorrow we'll begin a new poll since I already know that Kingdom Hearts won this poll, like.. it was a landslide victory. We'll see what I ask about tomorrow. I'll see you then! :D

Thursday, February 2, 2017

The Simpsons Road Rage

So this could probably be classified the same way I classify Taz Wanted, in that I call it a "guilty pleasure" game, even though I have no shame in enjoying it so much. I know that it's clearly just a spoof of Crazy Taxi, but I think I honestly enjoy this more than Crazy Taxi, and I've played it too. For some reason, I just enjoy this a lot more, and I really enjoy destroying thing in this game too.

But yeah, it's just general fun and generally it's just a fun time-killer. It's just getting people to their destinations as fast as possible, with the most fun part being that you can find the shortcuts between areas and make your own "fastest" route to areas. It's just fun. Plus, you can't beat running into people and watching them fly away, that always gets me laughing, honestly.

And of course, every time you get Game Over, you can purchase new characters and additional areas as you slowly make your way towards the cumulative goal is $1,000,000 to complete the game. There's not much else really, but I always have fun playing it whenever I do decide to boot it up.

Apologies for a short post again, but, if you ask me, there's not much more to talk about for this game than just what I posted. I'm not a die-hard Simpsons fan so I can't sit there and say "They have this place" or "I love that they have the voice cast from the show" or anything like that. But I still love it all the same. As always, thank you for reading and I will see you later! :D

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Ape Escape 3

So I've only ever played 3 Ape Escape games. I've played 2, 3,and Pumped & Primed. And out of those 3 titles, Ape Escape 3 is the only one in the series that I still own. I traded in Pumped & Primed (not sure why) and I only rented Ape Escape 2, and never played the first one. But regardless, it's a fun game. The silly idea of monkeys gaining some form of sentience and donning colored shorts, and then you must go and capture them in a net, it's really weird and silly, but that's the kind of silly I like.

The theme, with everything being based around TV shows, is also a nice touch. Monkeys will have video cameras, some will look like a movie director, and then plenty of them will be dressed up to match the theme of the area (for example, an early stage has two monkeys dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf). It's just aesthetically pleasing, and there area ton of spoofs dotted around as well, such as a level that's meant to based off of Friday the 13th, complete with a monkey dressed as Jason Voorhees himself.

Another fun addition are Morphs, or different costumes that grant different abilities. You typically receive them in a stage before a boss stage, such as receiving the Fantasy Knight Morph within a castle level, then having to fight a boss stage against Monkey White in a robotic dragon after. It's all really cool and they, of course, are useful for the boss stages they're meant for, as they're given to you for a reason, obviously.

I haven't played this game in ages, but just like every single game I've been talking about on this blog, I should definitely go back and play it again some time. Thanks so much for reading, and I will see you later! :D