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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

So Now I'm Excited

So I just got online and the first thing I see is this new trailer for Sonic Forces, which reveals the identity of this mysterious new character. Who are they? Well..

THIS NEW CHARACTER IS ACTUALLY US, THE PLAYER! That's right, for the first time, we can make our own custom character to help Sonic take on Eggman in this game, with a bevy of customization options and gadgets to help us along the way! Just this feature alone makes me super excited for this game, and I can't wait!

I'm also a bit scared because, well, we all know the internet will have some fun with their fun renditions of "This is my original Sonic OC, do not steal!" and other fun stuff like that. Honestly, if they have the components, I'd love to try and recreate my own Sonic character that I used to draw a lot more, but we'll see. If not, I'll just make something that looks close to myself, especially since glasses are a thing you can wear too, which is neat! Anyways, I'm going to leave the video here, so enjoy!

Have a nice day!~

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