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Saturday, March 18, 2017


So there definitely isn't much to say about Columns, but I'll tell you right now, it's not Tetris, if that's how it looks. Simply put, you play in an endless fashion until you finally lose by filling up the whole box. When you get 3 gems of the same color in any of the 8 directions, so horizontal, vertical, and diagonal, they get cleared, and if there's more than 3 gems, well all will get cleared. And for a simple game, it's honestly really addictive.

I remember spending at least 2 straight hours playing this game one night in the Ultimate Genesis Collection, and with the calm music speeding up as my board gets filled, and the music progressively getting slower as I clear more gems and open up more space. It's simple but it's also fun.

That's honestly all there is to say on Columns, it's simplistic and fun, and it's pretty relaxing, even when your game has sped up a lot because of how skilled you'll wind up getting. But if you ever have a chance to play it, definitely consider trying it, even once!

Have a nice day!~

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