So, here we go, time for Symphonia's sequel. To be honest I do still own the original Wii version, it's just so.. weird playing a Tales game with a Wii Remote and Nunchuck, so it just felt much better when I played it on PS3. But either way, this game is a lot of fun. It may not be as great as Symphonia, but most sequels to great games get some kind of rep going for them, for better or worse. It's like if they suddenly made a sequel to Tales of the Abyss; I don't know if people would be happy or upset about it, you know? But regardless, that doesn't stop Dawn of the New World from being fun.
I happily enjoy the decision to let you tame monsters and use them in your party. In some cases, they outshine the original Symphonia cast, as they only level up and such between chapters, and once your monsters get powerful enough, you might not even use the Symphonia cast anymore. That was primarily the case with me, but of course when you have weaker monsters near the beginning, you're going to want help, like from Raine, since she can heal you efficiently. But once you start evolving monsters and figuring out what ones can really help you, it gets to be so much fun!
The postgame dungeon, only accessible in New Game Plus and onwards mind you, does give me some frustration, but that'll be explained in tomorrow's guide, but just trust me when I say you'd much rather go through Niflheim in Symphonia, go through Magnus Zero in Xillia, or go through the Illusionary Darkness in Xillia 2 - on Unknown difficulty. Yes, it's that frustrating!
Otherwise the story is nice and I enjoy the side missions you can do in each chapter, for some extra Gald or some extra equipment/items. It just feels nice to break away from the story, you know? But all the same, this game is still super fun to play, and if you loved Symphonia, you'll enjoy seeing familiar locales, hearing familiar music, and just have fun with another journey in the lands of Sylvarant and Tethe'alla!
Have a nice day!~
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