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Friday, June 16, 2017

Miitopia Demo

So, I haven't done an awful lot in this demo just yet but boy am I hooked on it already! It's so charming and silly, and I have a soft spot for RPGs so that's probably why. But to be honest, this game sort of feels like what I wanted Find Mii to become, a Mii RPG where you have full control and don't need StreetPass or Play Coins to make the game play. But I digress. I took a bunch of snapshots from the.. I want to say an hour, of gameplay that I did before I had to leave earlier. I won't post every single one, as there's no need to do so, but I want to give you a look at the silly fun that can happen.

For starters, you have a lot of Mii options. SpotPass is an option, your Mii Maker is an option, the characters in your Tomodachi Life are options, you can scan Mii QR codes from Miitomo, or you can even place Miis directly from your 3DS Friend List! It's really handy! And at the very beginning, it says that you can use SpotPass so that Mii NPCs in towns can be automatically generated based on peoples' choices around the world, and you can easily change it later if you wish. So, let's get looking at pictures and captions!

I don't know too much about Iron Man, to be honest, but I think he'd make a pretty nice Guide, especially with Tony Stark's personality.

I don't know who Gran Sabia is, or if it's just someone's friend, or what have you, but she looks like a nice granny.

Ironically enough, I could totally see Arin being a sassy child, he's already full of sass, but just the whole Grump face makes it even better.

Again, dunno who Deis is, but she's a Worried Mother alright.

I assume this is Pit, as in Kid Icarus Pit. And again, dunno who Emmy is, but she's being part of a Lovey-Dovey Couple with Pit. I feel like Pit should look more.. happy, though? He's not 100% serious, as far as I know of Pit.

This just fits so well, if you ask me. My limited knowledge on Undertale lets me know that Sans seems pretty sarcastic, so I think this works.

This Mii looks extremely familiar. I feel like Dinos was in SwimmingBird's Tomodachi Life videos, because I remember seeing a Dinosaur Mii in that series. He's a Dubious Mayor now, though.

It's my best friend in real life, Jake! But his nickname, Skulatore, fits so well with this that I just had to do it. I mean if you heard someone's title was "The Dark Lord, Skulatore," I think you'd be a bit intimidated, hopefully.

He's got some of the faces from the townsfolk, we've got to get those faces back!

I bravely shout those words, without a weapon or any gear, before he summons some monsters to make me scared.

I always loveth the use of random -eth and -th on words to make it soundeth more ancient and awesome and stuff.

Honestly, I could only ever be a Warrior. My RPG play style is too centered on going up-close and personal with enemies, which helps to also distract them from my allies, especially healers or magic users.

Let's defeat this slime and get our favorite Grump's face back!

I love how Arin's face actually looks perfect on this slime to make it look grumpy and ready to fight someone.

We saved Arin! Hooray!

There were two butterflies, so the otherworldly voice in my head sent me a companion, whom I made into a Mage to help me!

This friendship system will also affect how your party helps each other in battle, and will be very useful as you go on.

Wise words, me, but they're bound to come sooner or later.

We sure could use it after a few tough early-game encounters!

Ya know, I couldn't have said that better myself, because that's pretty accurate.

I love how we jump and skip into the gate that leads us to the inn, it's so silly.

In the inn, I fed my heroes since they were hungry. Food helps to raise the stats of your heroes, with a small bar to denote how close they are to gaining another stat increase. Each character likes/dislikes different foods, sort of like Tomodachi Life. My mage loved the Butterfly Honey we collected, so she jumped up happily and sparkled to show us how much she loved it!

I agree, on a hot day like today, and while wearing some armor, some cold water is definitely just the thing to really loosen up.

That's okay, me, we'll heal you right up at the inn.

After hitting level 2, my mage learned how to use Fire, a standard mage spell, but it'll come in handy and will do more damage than simply whacking enemies with the stick you have.

Why, yes it is.

There it is, on a butterfly boss!

Alice here is the person you go to if you have amiibo and wish to tap in your amiibo to unlock cool new costumes, such as Mario or Yoshi.

Am I? That's a great feeling to have, honestly. Let's keep it that way.

As your allies fight together and as they help each other and talk inside inns, their friendship level will grow, allowing them to help each other out even more!

At level 2 friendship, we can now Show Off, which lets us do a bit of additional damage to enemies as we try to impress our allies with our skills.

And that's all of my snapshots for the Miitopia demo so far. Definitely download it, it's a fun and silly RPG and it has a lot of charm. I love it and I'm absolutely going to continue playing it, probably all night long, or until the demo ends, but we'll see what happens after the demo, you know? The full game comes out on July 28th, and you can transfer all of your save data from the demo to the full game if you wish, so that's also awesome! See you again soon!

Have a nice day!~

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