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Saturday, June 17, 2017

Miitopia Demo: Part 2

So, I finished the demo yesterday, some time after I posted yesterday's post. I've taken a few more snapshots since then, not too many. And I've also just been grinding since there's nothing else I can do. It's kind of pointless for me to be grinding so much if I don't plan to bring my demo data to the full game, but maybe I will, who knows? Anyways, let's get into the snapshots, but I will tell you this, I cannot wait to buy this game, I am so hooked on it!

I hope the light was nice, me, because you're certainly still here with us.

Out of the blue, I got my mage a random gift while I was looking in the inn rooms, and I got her some castanets, which she loved a lot. That's cool though!

Look man, I know that nobody cares about pennies at this point, but that's what heroes do, we turn up at every corner to smite evil, right?

One of my other best friends got the honor of being the Great Sage in the demo, even though he only appeared once in the demo.

Looks like we have an idol.

A sunset-like setting? Actually, yeah, that sounds pretty wonderful to me.

When I won some Arcade Tickets, I wanted to try out the arcade. I like the roulette more than RPS, but I wanted to try it. And on the first attempt, I won! Even though I was offered to double my 500G prize, I refused because I didn't want to lose it all!

Welp, we found Sans, and his face was on a rock, and it was a tough battle, but we pulled through and defeated the monster, saving Sans in the process!

I like how every so often, it gives you the option to quit playing, kind of when some games say you've played for a while and ask if you want to take a break. But it shows your Miis doing whatever in their room before you choose to play more or quit.

We were all hungry and Lazuli, my Pop Star, was pretending to eat food to trick their stomach into thinking they weren't hungry.

We found Emmy's face, but it's on a big mouse! And it looks so fluffy, I didn't want to have to defeat it, but we had no choice.

I just really found this funny, so I had to show it. I love just nonchalantly saying "Nailed it!" because I find it really funny. Guess my humor is weird.

And finally, we found Gran Sabia here as an Imp! It was a tough battle, but we managed to pull through and save the final face of Greenhorne!

Robin here was waiting for us at the castle gates, to inform us that this was the end of the demo, which made me sad as the action was really getting intense and I was ready for more. But that's okay, we'll have a lot more to look forward to in the full game next month.

Um, Lazuli, I don't think that's you.

My mage decided to get a silly makeover while we stayed at an inn, and she changed her hair color and style, which I think was really silly and cute.

Lazuli, that's not you either!

While grinding, I have been buying my party new equipment. Here, my mage has the Cross-Heart Robe and the Night Wand. Needless to say, she's destroying everything, especially with Explosion.

Another time I decided to give my mage a Cuddly Pony, and she loved that too. My mage and I have a relationship level of almost 30, so they're always helping each other out in battle.

Likewise, my pop star and thief are always hanging out, so my pop star got a Cuddly Bunny, which also fits.

I saw a friend post something like this and I find it silly. Meg gave my mage a gift and I guess Lazuli saw it all, since her and Meg have a big relationship level as well. I like how eerie that was, with a subtle scary theme playing in the background.

And finally, at another point, my mage changed her hair color and style again, this time rocking some blond hair.

And that's all for the Miitopia Demo. I love this game so much and I can't wait to finally own it next month! Thanks for reading and I'll see you again soon!

Have a nice day!~

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